
Search query: iowa

Liberals and Conservatives Uniting Against Partisan Status Quo
Liberals and Conservatives Uniting Against Partisan Status Quo
Our political system is failing because our government has become little more than a perpetual banquet for selfish interests that feed themselves first, and worry about the health of the nation later,...
Defense Secretary: If We Don't Remove Defense Cap, We're Questioning America's Survival
Defense Secretary: If We Don't Remove Defense Cap, We're Questioning America's Survival
Speaking at the annual Air Force Association conference on September 20, Defense Secretary James Mattis engaged in the time-honored tradition of complaining about the defense budget. While many would ...
Labor, Larger Cities The Big Winners In SANDAG Power Shift
Labor, Larger Cities The Big Winners In SANDAG Power Shift
With the stroke of a pen, Governor Jerry Brown has reformed the power structure at the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG).For many, including organized labor, it was a huge victory that now...
The Neo-Independent: Making Sense of the Senseless
The Neo-Independent: Making Sense of the Senseless
A woman I know sent me a note the other day. I was surprised, but happy to hear from her as we don’t know each other well.In the note, she explained that she had woken up last Monday morning to the ne...
War and Peacebuilding in the 21st Century: The 5-Point Doctrine
War and Peacebuilding in the 21st Century: The 5-Point Doctrine
We, the People are wiser than warfare. Acting on that wisdom requires specific, coordinated action. Our choice as a nation and for our shared planet starkly confronts us with a future of eternal ...
Elect Independents If You Want A New Approach to the Gun Debate
Elect Independents If You Want A New Approach to the Gun Debate
Where do we even begin after Las Vegas? The shooting was so calculatingly evil, so tragic for the victims, and so sad for our nation. And yet we have been here before: after Sandy Hook, after the Orla...
Why People Hate Politicians (And Why We Can’t Have Nice Things)
Why People Hate Politicians (And Why We Can’t Have Nice Things)
The statement "all politicians are corrupt" has as much truth to it as "all Muslims are terrorists" and "all Christians are ignorant bigots."But here’s the trap in American politics: there’s one polit...
It's Not Just Laws, CDC Can't Even STUDY Mass Shootings
It's Not Just Laws, CDC Can't Even STUDY Mass Shootings
We have witnessed another senseless tragedy: the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Desperate cries for gun control almost immediately surfaced. While the motivation for such pleas cannot...
OPINION: It's Time to Give Approval Voting a Chance
OPINION: It's Time to Give Approval Voting a Chance
The voting method is extremely important and affects all parts of the election from who wins, how seriously candidates’ ideas are taken, and who you see on your ballot. Specifically, the choose-one pl...
Tolerating Intolerance? Overcoming the Biggest Obstacle on Facebook
Tolerating Intolerance? Overcoming the Biggest Obstacle on Facebook
This column poses a question for which I have only a tentative answer. I am interested to learn what answers readers have. How do you deal with friends who are so intolerant of political views differe...