
Search query: wisconsin

Voter Suppression, By the Numbers
Voter Suppression, By the Numbers
This election, an estimated five million eligible voters will be disenfranchised from the political process due to new voter identification laws. These de-facto voter suppression laws not only make it...
Debate Over Restrictive Voting Laws Intensifies
Debate Over Restrictive Voting Laws Intensifies
As the 2012 election nears, a new wave of restrictive voting laws takes center stage, drawing into question the power of these laws in suppressing voter turnout among minority groups.This year alone, ...
Texas: Sixth State To Say No Thanks To Medicaid Expansion
Texas: Sixth State To Say No Thanks To Medicaid Expansion
Governor Rick Perry of Texas joins a list of growing states who say they will refuse to implement Medicaid expansion in their states. The one-time presidential hopeful stated yesterday, “If anyone was...
California TRUST Act Builds Wall Around Secure Communities
California TRUST Act Builds Wall Around Secure Communities
[Last week], the California Senate passed the TRUST Act.  Known by some as the “anti-Arizona immigration law,” it would limit California law enforcement’s cooperation with the federal Secure Comm...
Is the Individual Mandate a Tax?
Is the Individual Mandate a Tax?
On Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled that the central component to Obama's healthcare reform, the individual mandate, is constitutional because the payment is a tax. There has been much confusion foll...
Paul Ryan Gets Vetted for Vice President, Though Unlikely to Be Romney's Final Pick
Paul Ryan Gets Vetted for Vice President, Though Unlikely to Be Romney's Final Pick
Over at National Review Online, Robert Costa reported last week that Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan was officially being vetted for vice president. Less than two months away from the Republican Na...
Veepstakes: Vital Statistics for Top 10 Frontrunners
Veepstakes: Vital Statistics for Top 10 Frontrunners
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, has yet to announce the selection of his vice president candidate. Such an announcement is not expected before the Republican National Convent...
10 Top Political Quotes To Provoke Thought
10 Top Political Quotes To Provoke Thought
Today's citizens, worldwide, face the effects of financial crises, environmental concerns, increased globalization, and political animosity between political ideologies, including domestic parties and...
Lunch News Tips: June 15, 2012
Lunch News Tips: June 15, 2012
Your Independent News Tips of the day.Politico – Koch Brothers Look Like New Conservative PartyThe brothers who intend to spend over $395M on this year’s election are hosting a fundraising conference ...
Democrats, White House in a Panic Over President Obama's Reelection Prospects
Democrats, White House in a Panic Over President Obama's Reelection Prospects
The media narrative Tuesday was dominated by talk of panic in the Democratic Party and disarray at an embattled White House as one thing after another seems to go wrong for President Obama in his camp...