
Search query: michigan

Rick Santorum: Ron Paul "Looking for a Platform Fight"
Rick Santorum: Ron Paul "Looking for a Platform Fight"
In light of former Senator Rick Santorum's recent comments on ABC's This Week, it is clear GOP social conservatives are becoming increasingly worried about the presence, and power, of Dr. Ron Paul at ...
Barack Obama Birth Certificate
Barack Obama Birth Certificate
It’s the conspiracy theory that simply refuses to go away. Thanks to Donald Trump, and politicos on both sides of the aisle- who can’t seem to turn down a moment in the spotlight- President Barack Oba...
Implications of Wisconsin's Recall Election
Implications of Wisconsin's Recall Election
Wisconsin has been on a serious decline in union members for a few years now. Last year set a record low at 13.3%. As Business Week reports:"The unions are dinosaurs and a meteor just hit the Earth," ...
The Padres & Leadership Stability
The Padres & Leadership Stability
Nick Canepa of the U-T San Diego wrote a column last week on the need to change the make up of the San Diego Padres’ front office, claiming whoever ends up owning the Padres should affect a clean swee...
Romney, Ron Paul & RNC Rules
Romney, Ron Paul & RNC Rules
The blogosphere is in a flurry today on the heels of the Ron Paul campaign announcement. Concerning its future in states yet to hold Republican primary elections, it looks like Dr. Paul will not be po...
Gary Johnson and Third Parties: Why The Two-Party System Fears Them
Gary Johnson and Third Parties: Why The Two-Party System Fears Them
Ever since Ralph Nader's infamous impact on the 2000 presidential election, both the Democratic and Republican parties have feared an influential third party candidate. While third parties provide hop...
First Quarter GDP Growth Disappoints – or Does It?
First Quarter GDP Growth Disappoints – or Does It?
While the U.S. economy continued to grow during the first quarter of 2012 (+2.2 percent on an annual basis), it grew at a reduced rate from the previous quarter (+3 percent), and slightly below expect...
Media Influence On The 2012 Republican Primary
Media Influence On The 2012 Republican Primary
 With five states holding primary elections today, the Republican race to the White House is not over just yet. While each candidate has had their 15 minutes of fame, Mitt Romney remains in the s...
Rep. Justin Amash Calls for Eric Holder’s Resignation Over ‘Fast and Furious’
Rep. Justin Amash Calls for Eric Holder’s Resignation Over ‘Fast and Furious’
Things are starting to look really bad for U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, whose continued presence in Obama's White House cabinet may prove a devastating liability to the Democratic ticket in Nove...
State of the GOP Race: On To Pennsylvania
State of the GOP Race: On To Pennsylvania
 Former Gov. Mitt Romney won handily in Wisconsin, Maryland and DC primaries on Tuesday. There are a couple conclusions born out of results in Wisconsin, in particular. As the primary race drags ...