
Search query: arizona

California to Benefit the Most From Drone Integration
California to Benefit the Most From Drone Integration
The integration of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) or drones in US Airspace, planned for 2015, would have a significant impact on the country's economy. Among all states, California would be the state t...
How Immigration Reform Affects Drone Use in Southwest States
How Immigration Reform Affects Drone Use in Southwest States
Credit: Gerald NinoImmigration reform and drones are among the most highly discussed issues in the country. For states bordering Mexico, the two issues are becoming one.One of the major component of ...
Meaningful Drone Policy Comes From Meaningful Discussion
Meaningful Drone Policy Comes From Meaningful Discussion
Credit: http://patdollard.com/For most, the term 'drone' has come to reflect a dangerous and abused weapon of war capable of targeting enemies from above. The politically charged debate on drone poli...
The Drone Next Door: Elevating the Debate #FTdrones
The Drone Next Door: Elevating the Debate #FTdrones
In order to delve into the implications of drone policy on Washington, technology, civil rights, manufacturing, and journalism, Future Tense Now, a project of Slate, New America Foundation, and Arizon...
Dr. Martin Luther King's 'I Have A Dream' 50 Years Later
Dr. Martin Luther King's 'I Have A Dream' 50 Years Later
http://youtu.be/smEqnnklfYsIt has been 50 years since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stood at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to let freedom ring across the nation.August 28, 1963 will be remembered as...
Karen Stapf Walters New Executive Director of CA Board of Education
Karen Stapf Walters New Executive Director of CA Board of Education
Karen Stapf Walters (center). Credit: regions.acsa.orgCalifornia Governor Jerry Brown announced Tuesday that he has appointed Karen Stapf Walters as the new Executive Director of the California Board...
Arizona Online Impersonation Bill Threatens First Amendment Rights
Arizona Online Impersonation Bill Threatens First Amendment Rights
Defined by hashtags and limited by 140 characters, social media is redefining traditional modes of communication. Lawmakers across the country have responded to the growth in social media use by autho...
Top Ten Events of 2012 in Politics
Top Ten Events of 2012 in Politics
As 2012 comes to an end, we're all scrambling to nationally recollect the top ten events of 2012. Yes, there were the London Olympics, the Giants winning the World Series and a myriad of oth...
Filibuster Reform is Becoming a Hot Topic in Senate
Filibuster Reform is Becoming a Hot Topic in Senate
data source: princeton.eduOn the heels of last week’s Supreme Court denial to hear claims that the filibuster presents an unconstitutional practice on the part of the minority in the Senate, competin...
Mystery Donations Prompt Campaign Finance Reform
Mystery Donations Prompt Campaign Finance Reform
As reports slowly trickle in disclosing the money spent the week leading up to 2012’s presidential election, the identities of the spenders are coming into focus. Yet, even the most avid researcher wo...