
Search query: texas

Rand Paul Has A Serious Foreign Policy Problem
Rand Paul Has A Serious Foreign Policy Problem
On Tuesday, April 7, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) officially announced his intentions to run in the 2016 presidential election. Prior to his announcement, Paul released a prequel political ad announ...
How Rand Paul Is Different From Ron Paul
How Rand Paul Is Different From Ron Paul
Rand Paul is expected to announce the launch of his 2016 presidential campaign on Tuesday. In anticipation of the announcement, people have wondered if his father, former U.S. Representative Ron Paul ...
The 6 U.S. Presidents with the Least Experience before Entering Office
The 6 U.S. Presidents with the Least Experience before Entering Office
Editor's note: This article has been updated to be more up to date with the current presidential administration. Updated on January 20, 2017.When Donald Trump is sworn in on January 20, 2017, he will ...
Accepting The Primary Election Circus … And Paying for It!
Accepting The Primary Election Circus … And Paying for It!
Generally, most Americans like to think of our elections as a public process, designed to elect candidates that best represent the people of a given district.Right?Then why is it we spend years listen...
Ted Cruz Wouldn't Be Our First Canadian President -- If You Believe Birther Conspiracies
Ted Cruz Wouldn't Be Our First Canadian President -- If You Believe Birther Conspiracies
President Obama's administration has been checkered with "birther" conspiracies from the very start -- from faked birth certificates to accusations of being born in Pakistan or Kenya. When confronted ...
Did Liberty University Violate IRS Rules By Hosting Cruz's 2016 Announcement?
Did Liberty University Violate IRS Rules By Hosting Cruz's 2016 Announcement?
Last week, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) announced his candidacy for President of the United States to over 10,000 students at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. His announcement makes him t...
Mike Huckabee Says There Should be Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices
Mike Huckabee Says There Should be Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices
The LA Times reported Saturday that potential 2016 presidential candidate and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (R) advocates term limits for Supreme Court justices. Huckabee said the Founding Fa...
Efforts to Eliminate Daylight Saving Time Have Spread Nationwide
Efforts to Eliminate Daylight Saving Time Have Spread Nationwide
Daylight Savings first originated in Germany during World War I to save electricity, and the UK quickly followed their lead. When Daylight Savings was first adopted in the U.S., it was part of a war p...
Ted Cruz Says Feds Should Not Interfere in States that Legalize Marijuana
Ted Cruz Says Feds Should Not Interfere in States that Legalize Marijuana
In an interview with Texas Tribune reporter Jay Root, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), now a 2016 presidential candidate, answered several questions on a vast array of topics, including respondin...
How Ted Cruz Won His Senate Seat With Just 632,000 Votes in a State of 27 Million
How Ted Cruz Won His Senate Seat With Just 632,000 Votes in a State of 27 Million
On Monday, March 23, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) announced the launch of his 2016 presidential campaign, making him the first high-profile, major party candidate to do so. Cruz is known as a polar...