
Search query: colorado

Colorado Recreational Marijuana Tax Revenue Hits $2M in First Month
Colorado Recreational Marijuana Tax Revenue Hits $2M in First Month
This week the Colorado Department of Revenue released tax figures for the state's first month of legal recreational marijuana sales and they are already comparable to tax receipts from alcohol sales, ...
Governor Brown's Anti-Pot Remarks Not In Sync With Californians
Governor Brown's Anti-Pot Remarks Not In Sync With Californians
California may not be ready for recreational marijuana, according to remarks made by Governor Jerry Brown earlier this month.Brown worried that legalizing the drug for recreational use could have "rip...
Yes, Putin Is Like Hitler—but So Was James K. Polk
Yes, Putin Is Like Hitler—but So Was James K. Polk
I broke my own rule this week and compared somebody to Hitler. It was only a little argumentum ad nazium. I suggested that Russian’s recent move to seize the largely Russian-speaking Crimean region of...
Why Conservative Utopias Don’t Work any Better than Liberal Ones
Why Conservative Utopias Don’t Work any Better than Liberal Ones
 “We must mistrust utopias: they usually end in holocausts.”—Mario Vargas Llosa It turns out that Ayn Rand believed in Utopia too—what she described as the “Utopia of Greed.” This was my big...
Do You Know the Difference between Marijuana and Hemp?
Do You Know the Difference between Marijuana and Hemp?
Video embedded from BenSwann.comWhen many people hear industrial hemp, the first thing that may come to mind in marijuana. After all, there is a close association between the two, but perhaps not as c...
A More Inclusive Presidential Primary Would Motivate Voters to Participate
A More Inclusive Presidential Primary Would Motivate Voters to Participate
It seems that in every cycle there is debate about which states should hold the first presidential primary elections. Some state always seems to try to jump ahead of Iowa and New Hampshire. Since 1972...
In Virginia, 92% of Military Voters Didn't Have a Chance to Vote in 2012
In Virginia, 92% of Military Voters Didn't Have a Chance to Vote in 2012
While the entire military voting system is broken, there are some states whose military absentee voting records are particularly shocking, and it seems that the Department of Defense and state voting ...
5 Issues Independent Voters Want Addressed in State of the Union
5 Issues Independent Voters Want Addressed in State of the Union
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5djtYZuqz_8Voters across America will be tuning in tonight as President Obama delivers his sixth State of the Union address.Since his last address, Edward Snowden reveal...
Obama to Reform NSA Spying Programs
Obama to Reform NSA Spying Programs
On Friday, President Obama spoke before the Department of Justice to comment on his administration's internal review of intelligence programs used by the National Security Agency. The administra...
What Are the Different Types of Primary Elections?
What Are the Different Types of Primary Elections?
Primaries first began in the early twentieth century as a response to increasingly strong party control over elections. At the time, voters wanted a larger say in who would be chosen as their candidat...