
Search query: texas

800 Years after the Magna Carta, We The People Must Rise Again
800 Years after the Magna Carta, We The People Must Rise Again
June 15, 2015 marks exactly 800 years since the sealing of the Magna Carta by King John, in an English meadow called Runnymede.The Magna Carta is widely regarded as the document that marked the beginn...
The Presidential Primary is a Reality TV Show
The Presidential Primary is a Reality TV Show
We have all seen it, a slew of contestants vying for the attention and affection of an eligible suitor. Welcome to The Bachelor: U.S. Presidential Primary addition, where the contestants are candidate...
Why Hillary and the GOP Shouldn't Talk About Voting Rights
Why Hillary and the GOP Shouldn't Talk About Voting Rights
During a speech at Texas Southern University on Thursday, Hillary Clinton voiced her support for a number of reforms and policy changes to make voting easier and to expand voting rights, 3 of which st...
There is Bias in the Media... It's Just Not A Liberal Bias
There is Bias in the Media... It's Just Not A Liberal Bias
Tige Richardson’s recent piece on the media’s dismissive attitude toward Bernie Sanders’ campaign is the latest evidence against the myth that there is a liberal or left-wing bias in the mainstream me...
Lindsey Graham: Everyone Is Welcome In My GOP... Unless Your Name is Paul
Lindsey Graham: Everyone Is Welcome In My GOP... Unless Your Name is Paul
In an interview on CNN's State of the Union, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said anyone can find a place in the GOP, whether they are a staunch conservative or an environment...
Bipartisan Amendments Offer More Privacy Protections than USA Freedom Act
Bipartisan Amendments Offer More Privacy Protections than USA Freedom Act
A bipartisan team of legislators have passed amendments with a goal of retaining privacy protections presumably lost with the passage of the USA Freedom Act.Republican U.S. Reps. Thomas Massie of Kent...
Here Are 5 News Stories Not About Caitlyn Jenner's New Boobs
Here Are 5 News Stories Not About Caitlyn Jenner's New Boobs
The power of celebrity in America cannot be overstated. When a well-known celebrity (or even a not-so-well-known one) does something like try to run over a paparazzo with an ATV or alters their person...
College Professors Are Scared to Death of their Students
College Professors Are Scared to Death of their Students
Professor "Edward Schlosser" (a pseudonym) wrote a thought-provoking article for Vox on Wednesday about the role identity politics plays in the college environment and how that role has changed dramat...
Find The Good and Praise It: Highlighting Nonpartisan Organizations That Put Voters ahead of Parties
Find The Good and Praise It: Highlighting Nonpartisan Organizations That Put Voters ahead of Parties
Denver, Colo. -- Across the country, independent/nonpartisan organizations committed to fundamental political reform and equal rights for every voter are hard at work fighting the good fight on a wide...
Opinion: You Shouldn't Have To Join A Party to Vote in Primaries
Opinion: You Shouldn't Have To Join A Party to Vote in Primaries
We do not get our right to vote because we are white, black, gay, straight, male, female, conservative, liberal, a member of a private organization or any other criteria other than what makes us Ameri...