
Search query: virginia

Sarvis Didn't Cost Cuccinelli the Virginia Governor's Race, Sex Did
Sarvis Didn't Cost Cuccinelli the Virginia Governor's Race, Sex Did
You don’t need to be a highly-paid, highly-respected political analyst like Michael Barone or James Carville to understand basic truths about a particular election. In fact, it might actually be bette...
Will a 51st State Be Created through Secession?
Will a 51st State Be Created through Secession?
Secession, a word common 150 years ago, is once again gaining steam in several states. In the quest for a government that is more representative of the people, groups of different ideologies want to b...
VA Governor's Race Results: McAuliffe Narrowly Defeats Cuccinelli
VA Governor's Race Results: McAuliffe Narrowly Defeats Cuccinelli
After months of personal attacks and divisive rhetoric, Democrat Terry McAuliffe will become Virginia's 72nd Governor. According to the Virginia State board of elections the former Democratic Party Ch...
Virginia Race for Governor Highlights Need for Competitive Primaries
Virginia Race for Governor Highlights Need for Competitive Primaries
http://youtu.be/-CDohsX-sloVirginia's gubernatorial contest is the election to watch in 2013 Not only is it attracting more national media attention on the Democratic and Republican candidates, but th...
 Healthcare.gov: What Happens When Politics Trumps Policy
Healthcare.gov: What Happens When Politics Trumps Policy
This weekend brought more than a modicum of clarity to what happened behind the scenes in the run-up to the Oct. 1 launch of Healthcare.gov.In a devastating story, Amy Goldstein and Juliet Eilper...
Republican and Democrat Appointees Join Federal Election Commission
Republican and Democrat Appointees Join Federal Election Commission
A full complement of commissioners presided over the Federal Eelection Commission's open meeting on Thursday, marking the first time the regulatory body was fully staffed since Cynthia Bauer...
21 Million Voters Might Stay Home in 2014
21 Million Voters Might Stay Home in 2014
New VPC study reveals that unmarried women, people of color and young voters delivered victories in 2012, but more than 21 million might stay home in 2014
Candidates that can energize this bloc of vot...
Robert Sarvis: Virginia's Most Successful Libertarian Candidate in 50 Years
Robert Sarvis: Virginia's Most Successful Libertarian Candidate in 50 Years
Virginians once again face the choice of selecting a governor as the November 5 gubernatorial election creeps closer. While the Democrat and Republican candidates are going through the motions as migh...
CA Will Not Comply with Federal Law Allowing Indefinite Detention of Prisoners
CA Will Not Comply with Federal Law Allowing Indefinite Detention of Prisoners
As states continue searching for ways to defy excesses of power from Washington DC, one state has joined a few others in objecting to one of the more controversial prerogatives emanating from the nati...
Constitution in the Digital Age: Facebook Likes Now Free Speech
Constitution in the Digital Age: Facebook Likes Now Free Speech
Your Facebook Like is now legally protected speech Photo: MashableWhether you "like" it or not, Facebook "likes" are considered to be a vital component of free speech protected under the First A...