
Search query: utah

Part-time legislature not likely to end political gridlock
Part-time legislature not likely to end political gridlock
Sacramento lawmakers spend inordinate amounts of time arguing about the budget, pensions, education, unions, water (and most everything else) without ever seeming to accomplish much. Budget problems l...
Pentagon to FAA: Send in the drones
Pentagon to FAA: Send in the drones
The Pentagon wants to “desegregate” national air space. A spokesman made the announcement last week at a robotic technology conference held in Washington, D.C. Military officials say that they are wor...
California to Reconsider Foreclosure-Gate Settlement Talks
California to Reconsider Foreclosure-Gate Settlement Talks
California might be one step closer to rejoining nationwide settlement talks between major U.S. banks and a coalition of state attorneys general over allegations of widespread mortgage fraud."For the ...
This could be California's driest year on record
This could be California's driest year on record
The Sierras have had practically no snow this year. Lake Tahoe, which relies on skiing for income, has no ski areas operating at full capacity. Some only have 30% of their lifts open. Last year, they ...
Politics trumps common sense in IRS tax collection effort
Politics trumps common sense in IRS tax collection effort
Let's say you ran a business that had millions of dollars in uncollected revenue, and it would take $100,000 to collect it. Spending that extra money seems like a “no-brainer” decision. But if you’re ...
After Iowa
After Iowa
So the Iowa caucus has come and gone for the 2012 election.  Does it really mean anything in the overall grand scheme of things?  Not really.  The Iowa voters don't necessarily pick the...
Obama for America?
Obama for America?
Barack Obama took the presidential oath of office January 20, 2009. The challenges he inherited on that historic occasion were as great as any president has faced – including Abraham Lincoln and Frank...
Arizona legislators push bill to allow guns on college campuses
Arizona legislators push bill to allow guns on college campuses
In a move sure to be controversial and which has already received national attention, Arizona legislators have redrafted legislation to allow guns to be carried at public colleges and universities. Go...
State of California websites still in the Dark Ages
State of California websites still in the Dark Ages
In an era when data is steadily moving to the Internet and the cloud, the sad truth is that State of California websites are too often inadequate and archaic. Information should be easy to find on sta...
Northern California McDonald’s offers free coffee during tough economic times
Northern California McDonald’s offers free coffee during tough economic times
Local McDonald's restaurant locations in Northern California will be kicking off 2012 with a kind gesture for California residents struggling in uncertain economic times. For a full two weeks, beginni...