
Search query: virginia

Bipartisanship: Democratic and Republican Lawyers Work Together to Restrict Voting Rights
Bipartisanship: Democratic and Republican Lawyers Work Together to Restrict Voting Rights
Idaho attorney Gary Allen clearly recalls how he was received by state legislators when a federal district judge ruled that the state’s open primary system was unconstitutional.“I stood in front of th...
While Troops Struggle with Pay Cuts, Members of Congress Want Higher Salaries
While Troops Struggle with Pay Cuts, Members of Congress Want Higher Salaries
Service generals and former acting Deputy Secretary of Defense Christine Fox testified before a Senate panel in February that military members were ok with the proposed budget cuts to pay and benefits...
Madison's Religious Test: The Supreme Court vs the Non-Cognizance Doctrine
Madison's Religious Test: The Supreme Court vs the Non-Cognizance Doctrine
As anyone who has read my book knows, I do not consider “original intent” a legitimate principle of Constitutional interpretation. Constitutions, like most laws, are the products of compromise and neg...
7 Things You Need to Know About the Wisconsin Voter ID Decision
7 Things You Need to Know About the Wisconsin Voter ID Decision
A national discussion regarding the state of civil rights in the U.S. exploded after racial comments made by Clippers owner Donald Sterling were made public, followed by news that he has been banned f...
Jefferson, Prayer Days, and the Free Market of Religious Ideas
Jefferson, Prayer Days, and the Free Market of Religious Ideas
May 1 is the National Day of Prayer, created in 1952 by a Joint Resolution from Congress and the signature of President Harry Truman. It is a day, according to the website promoting it, that “represen...
5 States Likely to Become Battleground States by 2016
5 States Likely to Become Battleground States by 2016
Presidential politics are all about numbers, from campaign spending, third party interest funding, and electoral votes (EV). Battleground states, by definition, shift the winning side every 4 years or...
A Brief History on Campaign Finance Laws: 1787 to the Rise of Corporations
A Brief History on Campaign Finance Laws: 1787 to the Rise of Corporations
This month’s sharply split decision of McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission has once again renewed interest in the history of campaign finance reform in our republic.The history of campaign finan...
Academics Help Us Understand How Best to Bridge Political Divisions
Academics Help Us Understand How Best to Bridge Political Divisions
"To help liberals understand (and be civil to) conservatives.""To help conservatives understand (and be civil to) liberals.""To help everyone understand libertarians, who are often ignored because the...
Democrats and Republicans Cater to Partisan Bases in Wage Debate
Democrats and Republicans Cater to Partisan Bases in Wage Debate
President Obama signed an executive order on Tuesday designed to address the male/female pay gap among federal contractors. On a related note, Senate Democrats pushed to open a debate on the Paycheck ...
Who Is Really Responsible for Welfare Fraud?
Who Is Really Responsible for Welfare Fraud?
There have been numerous articles alleging rampant welfare fraud. While most articles focus on blaming poor people who directly receive government benefits, there are no credible statistics demonstrat...