
Search query: Illinois

President Obama's Stance on Gay Marriage: Prompted by Political Donations?
President Obama's Stance on Gay Marriage: Prompted by Political Donations?
 For the last few days I have been thinking about President Obama's stance on gay marriage. As much as I want to stand up and cheer for him I really have to do it with reservations. As an LGBTQA ...
Equal Protection: The Supreme Decision
Equal Protection: The Supreme Decision
So North Carolina voters approved a ballot measure that prohibits same-sex marriages within the state.  It became the last southern state to do so... and the 31st overall.  It was done durin...
Romney, Ron Paul & RNC Rules
Romney, Ron Paul & RNC Rules
The blogosphere is in a flurry today on the heels of the Ron Paul campaign announcement. Concerning its future in states yet to hold Republican primary elections, it looks like Dr. Paul will not be po...
Federal Spending Gone Wild
Federal Spending Gone Wild
  I remember as a young high school student hearing Senator Everett Dirksen of Illinois making the comment, “A billion here, a billion there, before you know it you are talking about real mo...
Q&A: Green Party Ballot Access Co-Chair Phil Huckelberry
Q&A: Green Party Ballot Access Co-Chair Phil Huckelberry
 Phil Huckelberry is the Co-chair of Green Party US Ballot Access Committee. IVN contributor AJ Segneri recently chatted with him about ballot access issues facing third parties.AJ: Provide for t...
Keystone XL Pipeline: Alternate Routes In the Works
Keystone XL Pipeline: Alternate Routes In the Works
On Wednesday, TransCanada, the company planning the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline, submitted alternate routes for the project after much criticism over its possibly harmful environmental effe...
Where Is The Next Third Party?
Where Is The Next Third Party?
  Towards the end of 2010 radio shows and TV shows hosts asked: where is the next third party? When are we going to see another party go against the Republicans and Democrats? I do not under...
Obama Leads With Independent Voters, Especially Women
Obama Leads With Independent Voters, Especially Women
A new USA Today/Gallup poll shows President Obama has a solid lead among independent voters in key swing states over presumptive Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Mitt Romney. He now polli...
Is The Republican Party Falling Apart?
Is The Republican Party Falling Apart?
Let's not be fooled that the 2010 midterm election was a preview of the rise of the Republican Party. As we've all witnessed the Republican primary season taking numerous twists and turns, they still ...
Illinois Has Spoken
Illinois Has Spoken
Characterized by uncertainty and indecision, we’re all getting a little weary of the Republican Primary this election. Yesterday, IVN gave you 3 reasons why, despite the prolonged election season, the...