
Search query: michigan

Beyond the Headlines: Nathan Fletcher, Drones and Election Reform
Beyond the Headlines: Nathan Fletcher, Drones and Election Reform
Illinois Concealed Carry Debate Continues by Carl WicklanderApproximately one month separates Illinois from its deadline to enact some form of concealed carry legislation and the passions on both...
Kentucky US Rep. Thomas Massie Charts His Own Path
Kentucky US Rep. Thomas Massie Charts His Own Path
Congressman Geoff Davis, a Republican serving Kentucky's 4th congressional district, announced in 2011 that he was retiring from office at the end of his term, but in the summer of 2012, Davis resigne...
At the Michigan Capitol, Bipartisanship is a Buzzword
At the Michigan Capitol, Bipartisanship is a Buzzword
WikiMediaCommonsIn 2010, Michigan was one of the many states to go red in the mid-term elections. This 96th Congress of Michigan was a hotbed of disagreement that created a plethora of national spotl...
Russian Ban on Adoptions to US Sparks Human Rights Concerns
Russian Ban on Adoptions to US Sparks Human Rights Concerns
Photo: Maxim ShemetovLast week President Vladimir Putin signed into law a ban on adoptions of Russian children by American citizens. The law sought to retaliate for the recently enacted American...
Social Media Privacy Law in Michigan Furthers Nationwide Trend
Social Media Privacy Law in Michigan Furthers Nationwide Trend
Friday, Michigan's Internet Privacy Protection Act was signed into law by Governor Rick Snyder, aimed to increase protections for employees and students in the social media realm. The Internet Privacy...
"Snyder's War on Women" Tightens Abortion Regulation in Michigan
"Snyder's War on Women" Tightens Abortion Regulation in Michigan
Friday, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed into law House Bill 5711, imposing new restrictions on abortion clinics and doctors which further tighten abortion regulation in the state. The bill requir...
Filibuster Reform is Becoming a Hot Topic in Senate
Filibuster Reform is Becoming a Hot Topic in Senate
data source: princeton.eduOn the heels of last week’s Supreme Court denial to hear claims that the filibuster presents an unconstitutional practice on the part of the minority in the Senate, competin...
Former US Senator Chuck Hagel Faces Resistance to Nomination
Former US Senator Chuck Hagel Faces Resistance to Nomination
(Credit: BBC)On Friday, President Barack Obama officially nominated Massachusetts US Senator John Kerry to become the next secretary of state. With UN ambassador Susan Rice rescinding her name from c...
What Does International Human Rights Day Really Mean?
What Does International Human Rights Day Really Mean?
Credit: devonnewscentre.infoLast Monday was the 64th International Human Rights Day, celebrating the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR).Each year, the United Nation Hi...
Governor Snyder Signs Right-to-Work Legislation in Michigan
Governor Snyder Signs Right-to-Work Legislation in Michigan
Capitol Building in Lansing, Michigan // credit: wikipedia.orgGovernor Rick Snyder (R-Michigan) signed HB 4003 and SB 116 on Tuesday. Known as ‘Freedom/Right-to-Work’ legislation, the bills will seve...