
Search query: alaska

Looking to the Founders: Dividing Up Pork-Barrel Spending
Looking to the Founders: Dividing Up Pork-Barrel Spending
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes ...
U.S. Lagging Behind Central and South American Countries in Marijuana Legalization
U.S. Lagging Behind Central and South American Countries in Marijuana Legalization
Across the Americas, marijuana is entering the mainstream. Along with a Republican victory in the November elections, various marijuana laws passed around the country in referendum measures. Similarly...
Bill Walker's Independent Ticket Wins Alaska Governor's Race
Bill Walker's Independent Ticket Wins Alaska Governor's Race
Alaska's 2014 gubernatorial race was neck and neck as polls closed on Tuesday, November 4. Incumbent Republican Governor Sean Parnell trailed independent Bill Walker 46.42 percent to 47.83 p...
Election Day 2014: Independent Voters Locked Out Again
Election Day 2014: Independent Voters Locked Out Again
Tuesday was typical. We saw low voter turnout: Nearly two of every three registered voters stayed home, likely due to voter apathy. And despite Congress’ recent 14% approval rating (up from last ...
The Fight for the Senate: Who Will Win Control?
The Fight for the Senate: Who Will Win Control?
The main talk of the 2014 election has been which political party will control the Senate after the votes have been counted. Democrats have been on defense throughout most of the country as President ...
10 Bills Awaiting the U.S. Senate Americans Should Know About
10 Bills Awaiting the U.S. Senate Americans Should Know About
The split between Democrats in the U.S. Senate and Republicans in the U.S. House has caused more than a little tension in the legislative process, which is Congress’ job. That division, no matter how ...
Why 2014 is the Year of the Independent Voter
Why 2014 is the Year of the Independent Voter
Republican consultants, commentators, and politicians are confident their party will gain control of the U.S. Senate after the dust settles and the smoke clears on November 4. Democrats, likewise, are...
Independent Bill Walker's 'Alaska First Unity' Ticket Leads Governor's Race
Independent Bill Walker's 'Alaska First Unity' Ticket Leads Governor's Race
In today’s environment of political divisiveness, what could be more nonpartisan than a “unity ticket” comprised of a Republican and Democrat running together? As remarkable as this sounds, this ...
5 Issues That Will Define The Final Weeks of the Midterm Elections
5 Issues That Will Define The Final Weeks of the Midterm Elections
With the weeks closing in on the 2014 midterms, polls are tightening up, candidates are attempting to attract undecided voters, and specific issues are capturing headlines. Gone are the days that...
Jason Carter Criticizes Obamacare -- Are Independents Listening?
Jason Carter Criticizes Obamacare -- Are Independents Listening?
The Affordable Care Act, or what proponents and opponents refer to as Obamacare, President Obama’s signature achievement, has long been unpopular with Republicans. Now, independents seem to be unhapp...