
Search query: georgia

DISCLOSE Act to shed new light on funding sources for California political ads
DISCLOSE Act to shed new light on funding sources for California political ads
If a consumer elecronics company ran an ad for computers that contained a series of egregious lies, the public would be up in arms, and the company would be hauled before the Federal Trade Commission ...
Lindsay Lohan released from court-ordered drug rehab
Lindsay Lohan released from court-ordered drug rehab
After serving a court-ordered sentence of 90-days in drug rehab at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, Lindsay Lohan has been released on supervised probation pending a February 25th court hearing...
Little outrage accompanies release of 'Wall Street Pentagon Papers'
Little outrage accompanies release of 'Wall Street Pentagon Papers'
It took a lot of wheeling and dealing to get to this moment, but history was made this month when Americans were honored with a "one time look" into the books of the Federal Reserve. You probably didn...
Historic year for Third Party and Independent movements in the United States
Historic year for Third Party and Independent movements in the United States
Though the mainstream political press has naturally focused on the stinging Democratic losses and sweeping Republican gains in last week's elections, 2010 has proven to be an historic year for thir...
Potential Democratic responses to Republican gains in Congress
Potential Democratic responses to Republican gains in Congress
Despite the fact that not a single vote has been counted, the media and political analysts have already conceded a landslide victory to the Republicans in the November election.  The reality of 2...
2010 could be historic year for Independent and Third Party candidates
2010 could be historic year for Independent and Third Party candidates
Whatever the outcome of the November elections, 2010 is shaping up to be an historic year for the nation’s Independent and third party movements, as well as for voters who desire viable alternatives t...
The great chicken invasion
The great chicken invasion
In a trend that continues to accelerate, chickens are going mainstream in suburban and urban backyards across the nation.Citizens are challenging local zoning ordinances, pro-chicken citizens' groups ...
Study shows organic agriculture offers healthier plants and more balanced ecosystems
Study shows organic agriculture offers healthier plants and more balanced ecosystems
Researchers at Washington State University and the University of Georgia have concluded that balanced ecosystems – such as those found in organic agriculture – are better at controlling pests and grow...
Temporary, high-risk health insurance option coming soon to California
Temporary, high-risk health insurance option coming soon to California
On July 1, the federal government and dozens of states set up temporary “high-risk” health insurance pools for people denied health insurance due to so-called pre-existing conditions. These pools were...
Fusion voting and independent politics
Fusion voting and independent politics
Fusion voting was once ubiquitous in the United States, legal in every state of the union.  With the rise of relatively powerful third party and independent political movements in the late ninete...