
Search query: colorado

Paris, Planned Parenthood, and Our Struggle to Define Terrorism
Paris, Planned Parenthood, and Our Struggle to Define Terrorism
A gunman walks into a public building and begins to shoot indiscriminately into the crowd. His goal is utilitarian: He wants to inflict the most harm and create the most panic possible within the crow...
Does Latest Defense Bill Mean Guantanamo Will Stay Open Indefinitely?
Does Latest Defense Bill Mean Guantanamo Will Stay Open Indefinitely?
One of Obama’s most prominent campaign pledges included a promise to close Guantanamo Bay. The prison camp has housed hundreds of prisoners in the war on terror since 2002, acting as a location to bot...
Amid Popularity, Single-Payer Health Care Appears on More Ballots Nationwide
Amid Popularity, Single-Payer Health Care Appears on More Ballots Nationwide
Enough signatures were collected in Colorado this month (with more than 60,000 to spare) to place a $25 billion tax increase on the ballot in 2016 to pay for a single-payer type insurance for the whol...
When Rights Collide: Same-Sex Marriage vs. Economic Freedom
When Rights Collide: Same-Sex Marriage vs. Economic Freedom
The Supreme Court’s June 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision held that the fundamental right to marry extends to same-sex couples, a small minority of Americans. Among other things, the new right inclu...
Can Non-Residents Vote in Local Elections Where They Own Property?
Can Non-Residents Vote in Local Elections Where They Own Property?
For nearly two hundred years, voting has predominantly been tied to fixed residency: citizens are entitled to vote in the districts in which they live. While seemingly a fair and direct...
7 Ways Ranked Choice Voting Can Empower Your Voice in Elections
7 Ways Ranked Choice Voting Can Empower Your Voice in Elections
Election Day 2015 has come and gone, and voters in cities in six states again found that they were not limited to marking only one candidate, but had the ability to rank the candidates in order of cho...
Kansas Sec. of State Pursues 3 Questionable Voter Fraud Cases at Taxpayers' Expense
Kansas Sec. of State Pursues 3 Questionable Voter Fraud Cases at Taxpayers' Expense
When it comes to strengthening election laws to eliminate voter fraud, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R) has captured headlines for years.He has helped several states, including Arizona, devel...
Rand Paul Gears Up for Another Filibuster; Sets His Sights on Debt Ceiling Hike
Rand Paul Gears Up for Another Filibuster; Sets His Sights on Debt Ceiling Hike
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) promised Tuesday to filibuster a budget compromise bill that enjoys the support of the White House and Republican congressional leadership.The bill woul...
Everything You Need To Know About Tonight's Debate... Including the Candidates You Forgot
Everything You Need To Know About Tonight's Debate... Including the Candidates You Forgot
Republican presidential candidates are gathering in Boulder, Colorado for the next GOP debate titled, "Your Money, Your Vote." The debate will air Wednesday, October 28, on CNBC at 8 pm ET. Similar to...
Behind Closed Bars: How Do We Define Cruel and Unusual Punishment?
Behind Closed Bars: How Do We Define Cruel and Unusual Punishment?
We've all heard metaphors about sending people to jail. “Don't drop the soap." “Big Bubba will like your purty mouth.” Many people find these metaphors humorous. This is odd, for it seems like th...