
Search query: kentucky

Tea Party foreign policy begins to take shape
Tea Party foreign policy begins to take shape
It appears as if a Tea Party foreign policy is starting to emerge. In 2009, a resurgent anti-tax/anti-bailout protest movement swept through cities across the United States, pulling together a broad c...
Dollar inflation may have been catalyst in Egypt's revolution
Dollar inflation may have been catalyst in Egypt's revolution
With events still in motion, analysts are scrambling to identify and understand the causes behind the wave of protests and revolutionary movements sweeping through the Arab world. U.S. dollar inflatio...
Rand Paul, Tea Party Senator, gets serious about tackling the debt
Rand Paul, Tea Party Senator, gets serious about tackling the debt
America is getting its first glimpse of Tea Party principles in action. Kentucky's newly-seated Junior Senator, Rand Paul, who kicked off his general election campaign by saying "I have a message from...
Tea Party eyes the cost of war in Afghanistan
Tea Party eyes the cost of war in Afghanistan
On the campaign trail in red-state Kentucky, Tea Party candidate Rand Paul would often say in his stump speech that if Americans were serious about cutting the exploding national deficit, then no prog...
2010:  the Year of the Tea Party
2010: the Year of the Tea Party
Looking back on 2010, we'll all remember what a strange year it was. But while replete with iPads, vuvuzelas, Lady Gaga outfits, earthquakes, treacherous winter storms, Old Spice commercials, Ta...
Ron Paul refuses to join Tea Party Caucus
Ron Paul refuses to join Tea Party Caucus
Senator-elect Rand Paul actually came up with the original idea for a Tea Party Caucus in Congress. Even before he stood up on stage to accept his party's nomination back in May of this year (uttering...
A radical idea:  Ron Paul runs as a Democrat in 2012
A radical idea: Ron Paul runs as a Democrat in 2012
Does anyone remember that the first Tea Partiers were thousands and thousands of Ron Paul supporters who dumped a record-breaking $6 million into his presidential campaign on December 16, 2007, the an...
Historic year for Third Party and Independent movements in the United States
Historic year for Third Party and Independent movements in the United States
Though the mainstream political press has naturally focused on the stinging Democratic losses and sweeping Republican gains in last week's elections, 2010 has proven to be an historic year for thir...
Echoes of Ron Paul's 2008 presidential campaign in the 2010 midterms
Echoes of Ron Paul's 2008 presidential campaign in the 2010 midterms
In 2007, Ron Paul captivated grassroots activists everywhere with his darkhorse campaign for the Republican Party's presidential nomination. He was an obscure, ten-term Congressman from Texas who had ...
10 weirdest moments of the 2010 midterm elections
10 weirdest moments of the 2010 midterm elections
Either this has been one of the strangest elections in recent history, or else having the Internet around has simply made it possible to nationally ruminate over the strange goings-on in elections thr...