
Search query: texas

Breaking Through The Duopoly: A Brief History of Third Parties in America
Breaking Through The Duopoly: A Brief History of Third Parties in America
third par·tynoun: a person or group besides the two primarily involved in a situation, especially a dispute.Almost since the beginning of the American Republic, voters have had a third choice. A party...
What America and Its Leaders Should Learn From Brexit (But Probably Won't)
What America and Its Leaders Should Learn From Brexit (But Probably Won't)
Days after Brits voted to leave the EU, what will actually happen is far from certain. Millions have signed a petition for a second referendum, which Prime Minister David Cameron claims won't happen.L...
Despite What You've Heard, 2016 Was Not a Historic Year in Primary Turnout
Despite What You've Heard, 2016 Was Not a Historic Year in Primary Turnout
This year’s presidential primaries began with a flurry of unconventional occurrences. A double-digit candidate count for the Republican Party, a political revolution, and daily Twitter attacks br...
Democratic Parties in 19 States Vote in Favor of Superdelegate Reform
Democratic Parties in 19 States Vote in Favor of Superdelegate Reform
To date, seventeen Democratic State Conventions, one legislative district convention, and one county convention have voted to either abolish or reform superdelegates.Following frustration voiced ...
Why The Filibuster Remains Crucial to Our Republic
Why The Filibuster Remains Crucial to Our Republic
The all-powerful ability to form cloture in the Senate.Since the beginning of the Republic, the feature of requiring three-fifths (or at times two-thirds) of the Senate to cut-off debate of a topic ha...
5 Surveillance and Security Failures Since 2001
5 Surveillance and Security Failures Since 2001
People are still gathering information about Omar Mateen, the shooter of the Orlando nightclub. However, Mateen was twice investigated by the FBI over suspected ties to terrorism. An unnamed source qu...
Bloomberg's Decision Not To Run Is Democracy's Dead Canary
Bloomberg's Decision Not To Run Is Democracy's Dead Canary
This article was originally published in edited form in the May 2016 edition of USA Today Magazine.Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a billionaire 41 times over, decided that the system wa...
IVP Presenta Iniciativa para Eliminar Regla de 50%+1 en Elecciones Primarias, Considera que Todos Deben Poder Votar en Noviembre
IVP Presenta Iniciativa para Eliminar Regla de 50%+1 en Elecciones Primarias, Considera que Todos Deben Poder Votar en Noviembre
Independent Voter Project (IVP), autores de la ley top-two para las primarias no partidistas de California, sometieron una petición para enmendar la ley de la Ciudad de San Diego que declara ganadores...
Taxpayers Shouldn't Waste Millions on Elections No One Participates In
Taxpayers Shouldn't Waste Millions on Elections No One Participates In
On Tuesday, May 24, voters across the state of Texas were asked to return to the polls for several runoff elections. These runoffs--where the top two vote-getters from the primary election face o...
#NeverTrump Movement Struggles in Search for New Presidential Candidate
#NeverTrump Movement Struggles in Search for New Presidential Candidate
Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are both rather unpopular. How unpopular? According to one recent poll, 52 percent of the public views Clinton unfavorably, and 55 percent view...