
Search query: missouri

Why are there more independent voters today than perhaps ever before? Is it because people are fed up with the party first and the nation second mentality of incumbents?
Why are there more independent voters today than perhaps ever before? Is it because people are fed up with the party first and the nation second mentality of incumbents?
Why are there more independent voters today than perhaps ever before? Is it because people are fed up with the party first and the nation second mentality of incumbents?Bill Miller, Missourian Editor&...
California ‘Amazon tax’ looks like a money grab
California ‘Amazon tax’ looks like a money grab
Ordinarily, if a large corporation has a physical presence in a state, then that state can charge sales tax on transactions. California, in a desperate attempt to raise more money, has decreed that In...
California places 48th in national freedom index
California places 48th in national freedom index
The Mercatus Center at George Mason University has published an update and a revision of a 2007 study entitled “Freedom in the 50 States: An Index of Personal and Economic Freedom”. The report analyze...
Monsanto is the real food terror threat
Monsanto is the real food terror threat
Acting on information from a “key intelligence source,” CBS News claimed that terrorists are trying to poison our food supply on Monday. This may come as a shock, but some researchers have already ide...
The art of mortgage fraud
The art of mortgage fraud
How do you get official approval of large-scale fraud, theft, and racketeering? You become a mortgage originator (i.e. a “Too-big-To-Fail bank”) like me. No really, it's simple. Let me walk you throug...
Paramilitary police raids abusing civil liberties as 40-year War on Drugs drags on
Paramilitary police raids abusing civil liberties as 40-year War on Drugs drags on
A recent youtube video of a SWAT team raid on a Missouri family's home has gone viral. In it, police institute a “quick-knock” technique to serve a search warrant. Upon forcing their way into the hous...
Schwarzenegger's waning influence could impact ballot initiatives in 2010 elections
Schwarzenegger's waning influence could impact ballot initiatives in 2010 elections
The legacy of Governor Schwarzenegger is still very much a work in progress.  On the one hand, he can be counted as the first Governor of California since Ronald Reagan to come from Hollywood and...
AMT Hitting the Middle Class
AMT Hitting the Middle Class
The percapita income in Californiawas $33,749 in 2005, according to U.S. Census Bureau Data.If thealternative minimum tax fix that expired in December isn't renewed, taxpayersmaking as little as $30,0...