
Search query: minnesota

Rasmussen: Unaffiliated voters rise to their highest level ever
Rasmussen: Unaffiliated voters rise to their highest level ever
On the same day that a small earthquake shook the San Fernando Valley, a recent Rasmussen Reports study of partisan trends indicates that unaffiliated voters will likely be shaking up the nation's pol...
Survey says: Three GOP hopefuls outpoll Obama among Independents
Survey says: Three GOP hopefuls outpoll Obama among Independents
Four contenders for the GOP's presidential nomination are polling competitively with President Obama among registered voters, according to a new poll.  How do potential Independent or third party...
Independent thinking more than casting a hopeless third party vote
Independent thinking more than casting a hopeless third party vote
So you've determined that you're really an Independent who no longer wants to be caught up in the partisan rancor that has become the hallmark of Washginton politics.  Neither do you support the ...
Facebook town hall forum for 3rd party candidates could catalyze American politics
Facebook town hall forum for 3rd party candidates could catalyze American politics
On Wednesday, President Barack Obama stopped by the Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto to hold a town hall meeting that was live streamed to an even broader audience.  As Facebook continues to pl...
Top two open primary overcomes latest legal challenge
Top two open primary overcomes latest legal challenge
With Congressional District 36 candidate Michael Chamness being denied an injunction to suspend electoral rules in the upcoming special election, he was dealt yet another blow when the Ninth Circuit C...
Fiscal Conservatism and Prison Reform in California
Fiscal Conservatism and Prison Reform in California
For eight years following the 9-11 terrorist attacks, the singular narrative and driving issue behind public policy in America was national defense and the Global War on Terrorism. In the final months...
Chipotle feels the squeeze as the Obama administration flexes its immigration enforcement muscles
Chipotle feels the squeeze as the Obama administration flexes its immigration enforcement muscles
Contrary to the perception that Republicans are the only ones desiring a return to strict workplace immigration enforcement, the Wall Street Journal and others are reporting that immigration auth...
Jesse Ventura sues the TSA for violating the Constitution
Jesse Ventura sues the TSA for violating the Constitution
Though the public furor over the Department of Homeland Security and Transportation Security Administration’s “enhanced” security protocols has died down since last November, third party and indepe...
Newt Gingrich offers more moderate immigration stance
Newt Gingrich offers more moderate immigration stance
Even before considering how the Dream Act in the Senate will play out this week, it seems to be making ripples with a prominent Republican leader who might be considering a 2012 run.  Mother Jone...
Prop 14, California's open primary measure, is already beginning to exert its influence
Prop 14, California's open primary measure, is already beginning to exert its influence
While Proposition 14, California’s new open primary law, doesn’t take effect until June 2012, it’s still influencing this November’s elections. The measure, opposed by both the state Democratic and Re...