
Search query: ohio

Report: Crippling Student Debt is Forcing Students to Drop Out
Report: Crippling Student Debt is Forcing Students to Drop Out
It's graduation season and while colleges are advertising pictures of happy graduates in caps and gowns on their websites, there is one distinctive feature about the class of 2015 across the country: ...
Standing at a Crossroads, America Must Decide The Right Path in 2016
Standing at a Crossroads, America Must Decide The Right Path in 2016
Historically, when an election has a wide-open field of candidates, both inside and outside of the two-party system, it's a symptom of America facing a major crossroads.Sometimes it's a party ideologi...
America Is Quickly Becoming the Nation of No Labels
America Is Quickly Becoming the Nation of No Labels
Americans may finally want results more than they want teams.For a country that supposedly celebrates individuality, America has historically been defined by its majority-making super-groups. Partisan...
The OTHER Santa Barbara Oil Spill and the Birth of Environmentalism
The OTHER Santa Barbara Oil Spill and the Birth of Environmentalism
This week we were treated to another oil spill that will cost millions to clean up and endanger many different species of marine wildlife. A pipe that was installed in 1987 burst close to Refugio...
Opinion: Governor Hogan Must Stand By Voting Rights in Maryland
Opinion: Governor Hogan Must Stand By Voting Rights in Maryland
According to the Sentencing Project, an estimated 5.85 million American citizens today are denied the right to vote because of state laws that prohibit voting by people with felony convictions.The Mar...
House Passes 2016 NDAA to Fund A War It Hasn't Authorized
House Passes 2016 NDAA to Fund A War It Hasn't Authorized
The House of Representatives voted last week to pass H.R. 1735, also known as the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) -- 269 in favor to 161 opposed. The vote came over the concerns of seve...
Lack of Leadership on Trans-Pacific Partnership Shows Congress Isn't Just Divided -- It Is Broken
Lack of Leadership on Trans-Pacific Partnership Shows Congress Isn't Just Divided -- It Is Broken
Last week, there was considerable partisan fighting in Congress. Driven on by partisan ideologues within its numbers, one party vowed to hold up a key bill until other legislative items were addressed...
Loretta Lynch Will Be Nation's First Black Female Attorney General
Loretta Lynch Will Be Nation's First Black Female Attorney General
On Thursday, the U.S. Senate confirmed Loretta Lynch as the next U.S. attorney general in a 56-43 vote. The confirmation is historic as Lynch will be the first African-American woman to serve as Ameri...
History Predicts a Bad Election for GOP in 2016
History Predicts a Bad Election for GOP in 2016
On April 21, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) called Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and John McCain (R-AZ) President Obama's lapdogs when it comes to U.S. foreign policy.Intra-party backbiting has become common p...
Legalizing Marijuana Polls Better than 2016 Presidential Field
Legalizing Marijuana Polls Better than 2016 Presidential Field
A Quinnipiac University poll taken in March released Monday. It found that more than 80 percent of adults in key swing states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida supported legalizing the use of ...