
Search query: minnesota

Rule Changes, Unenthusiastic Romney Supporters Prolong GOP Race
Rule Changes, Unenthusiastic Romney Supporters Prolong GOP Race
 Despite the efforts of the Romney campaign and media treatment of the Republican nominating process as all but wrapped up in his favor, the reality is the GOP race continues on for several reaso...
House Budget Proposal Endangers Timely Farm Bill
House Budget Proposal Endangers Timely Farm Bill
 Congressional House leaders have unveiled their budget proposal for FY2013. Though it revealed few surprises, when House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced the plan on Tuesday he ...
Obama & Paul: Candidates Too 'Casual' About War
Obama & Paul: Candidates Too 'Casual' About War
At a time in the presidential election cycle when Republican candidates traditionally draw stark distinctions between themselves and their Democratic rivals, Ron Paul is following a different tactic b...
Super Tuesday Delegate Trouble For Mitt Romney
Super Tuesday Delegate Trouble For Mitt Romney
There has been more than one declared "Do-or-Die" situations for various Republican presidential candidates so far in this year's tumultuous primary election cycle. When it comes to delegate count, Mi...
Republican Primary: Spotlight on Delegate Count
Republican Primary: Spotlight on Delegate Count
While most Republicans, according to recent polls, are adamantly opposed to a brokered convention, given the new party nominating rules it is highly unlikely that the primary process will be wrapped u...
The two-party system: a wasted vote?
The two-party system: a wasted vote?
According to the old adage, often mis-attributed to the likes of Albert Einstein or Benjamin Franklin, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results....
Ron Paul Could Lead in Delegate Count
Ron Paul Could Lead in Delegate Count
As we noted last week, GOP delegate process is far more complicated than the mainstream media leads people to believe. The primary process is not always as simple as winning the most votes and therefo...
Who's Really Ahead: Current GOP Delegate Tally, Guesses or Fact?
Who's Really Ahead: Current GOP Delegate Tally, Guesses or Fact?
Media focus on the Republican presidential primary process is on a perpetual 24/7 news cycle, relentless and rife with circus sideshows (Hello, Mr. Trump). Yet, the constant microscope from the press ...
What would you ask at the CA Democratic Convention?
What would you ask at the CA Democratic Convention?
This weekend, members of the Independent Voter Network team are attending the 2012 California Democratic Convention in San Diego. Kymberly Bays, our lovely new editor, Benjamin Wong, our tech-savvy fi...
Presidential Election 2012 Update: Glitter-Bombed
Presidential Election 2012 Update: Glitter-Bombed
"Romney was the latest target Tuesday night in Denver, when a man tried to toss what appeared to be blue glitter on the former Massachusetts governor as he shook hands with supporters after delivering...