
Search query: louisiana

Safer transport of oil will protect Santa Barbara coastline
Safer transport of oil will protect Santa Barbara coastline
For most environmental organizations, news of an oil pipeline approved in their backyard would be tantamount to war.  But not for the Environmental Defense Center (EDC) of Santa Barbara, which ce...
New open government committee makes the case for non-partisan primaries in Arizona
New open government committee makes the case for non-partisan primaries in Arizona
A multi-partisan group of former elected officials is seeking to place a constitutional amendment on the 2012 ballot that would replace Arizona’s current semi-closed primary with a top-two open primar...
Open primaries could change the political landscape in Arizona
Open primaries could change the political landscape in Arizona
In a state where Independents now outnumber registered voters from each of the two major parties, an Arizona State University professor suggests that it may be time for the Grand Canyon Stat...
Gun control debate heats up again
Gun control debate heats up again
Today, the Assembly Public Safety Committee will take up AB 144, legislation introduced by Anthony Portantino (D-Pasadena) to ban the open carry of a handgun in the state of California. The controvers...
Southern California mystery missile perplexes nation
Southern California mystery missile perplexes nation
As Los Angeles commuters were making their way home Monday evening they were treated to a spectacular site.  Around sunset, a large missile emerged from the Pacific Ocean north of Catalina Island...
Temporary, high-risk health insurance option coming soon to California
Temporary, high-risk health insurance option coming soon to California
On July 1, the federal government and dozens of states set up temporary “high-risk” health insurance pools for people denied health insurance due to so-called pre-existing conditions. These pools were...
Imagine the response if the BP oil spill had ruined Pebble Beach
Imagine the response if the BP oil spill had ruined Pebble Beach
Watching the awe-inspiring television images from the recent U.S. Open golf tournament at Pebble Beach, I began to envision the Monterey Peninsula marred with splotches of oil, and the famed golf cour...
Gulf of Mexico drilling disaster triggers counterproductive reaction in California
Gulf of Mexico drilling disaster triggers counterproductive reaction in California
Santa Barbara environmentalists who have been fighting offshore oil drilling for more than 40 years appeared to have gained a new ally when Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced this week that he w...
California environmentalists' surprising solution:  Drill, baby, drill!
California environmentalists' surprising solution: Drill, baby, drill!
On April 20, when an explosion hit the Deepwater Horizon oil rig just off the Louisiana coast, the repercussions might have crashed like a tidal wave on the far off shores of Santa Barbara – home of o...
California open primary initiative continues to generate vigorous debate
California open primary initiative continues to generate vigorous debate
With the June election fast approaching, political analysts both in and outside California are scrambling to offer their opinions on the contentious “Top Two Open Primary”. While the battle lines rema...