
Search query: virginia

Study: 43 States Will Use Outdated Voting Technology in the 2016 Election
Study: 43 States Will Use Outdated Voting Technology in the 2016 Election
During the 2016 election, it is estimated that 43 states will use electronic voting machines that are at least 10 years old. In an era where consumers are constantly updating their personal technology...
2016 Primary Results Indicate Many Independents Are Not Moderates
2016 Primary Results Indicate Many Independents Are Not Moderates
By sheer statistical coincidence, the percentage of Americans who self-identify as independents (approximately 40 percent) is nearly identical to the percentage of Americans who self-identify as moder...
Primaries: A Major Party Failure Is A Third Party Opportunity
Primaries: A Major Party Failure Is A Third Party Opportunity
Let’s be clear here. Major-party primaries in the US are absurd.Parties in most countries select their nominees privately and pay for it on their own dime. That’s not surprising either considering tha...
Civil Rights or Safety First: Understanding "Transgender" and the Bathroom Debate
Civil Rights or Safety First: Understanding "Transgender" and the Bathroom Debate
Faye Flam, who has written for Science Magazine and continues to write about science, mathematics, and medicine, recently explained in detail  a number of reasons why nature isn't ...
Will Panama Papers Leak Spur Lawmakers to Tackle Tax Avoidance?
Will Panama Papers Leak Spur Lawmakers to Tackle Tax Avoidance?
The political commentator Michael Kinsley once quipped that in Washington, "the scandal isn't what's illegal, the scandal is what's legal." President Obama echoed this sentiment last week du...
Introducing The Public Primary: Protecting the Rights of Voters While Giving Them More Choices
Introducing The Public Primary: Protecting the Rights of Voters While Giving Them More Choices
FairVote believes that every vote should matter and be heard in every public election. The fundamental goal of any primary election system should be to help foster a general election that wi...
Unpopular 2016 Candidates Help Boost Momentum for Alternative Choices and Change
Unpopular 2016 Candidates Help Boost Momentum for Alternative Choices and Change
With the strong possibility of having nominees from the two major parties who are largely unpalatable to a large percentage of the electorate, there is momentum building for serious challenges to the ...
Cruz Leads in Wisconsin; But Infighting May Turn State Blue
Cruz Leads in Wisconsin; But Infighting May Turn State Blue
Wisconsin has long been an important battleground state in the modern election cycles for president. Its 10 electoral votes prove critical in most pathways to victory, but an important twist is happen...
'Two Parties, One Winner' Shouldn't Override 'One Person, One Vote'
'Two Parties, One Winner' Shouldn't Override 'One Person, One Vote'
On Monday, the Supreme Court of the Unites States heard oral arguments in the case of Wittman v. Personhuballah, to decide whether Virginia lawmakers unlawfully considered race while redrawing co...
Gary Johnson Receives Huge Endorsement in Bid for Libertarian Nomination
Gary Johnson Receives Huge Endorsement in Bid for Libertarian Nomination
Gary Johnson’s bid for the Libertarian Party nomination continues to pick up steam after an endorsement from a key party official this week. William Redpath, a Virginia native, has spent years pr...