
Search query: pennsylvania

Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina Booted from Fox’s Main GOP Debate
Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina Booted from Fox’s Main GOP Debate
Fox News released its lineup for Thursday’s GOP debate on Monday night, announcing that the stage will hold seven candidates, cutting Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiori...
The Presidential Debate The Mass Media Won't Report On
The Presidential Debate The Mass Media Won't Report On
Mitchell Bupp, of Independent Voter Radio on Freedom Slips, hosted his second independent debate -- this time with 6 independent candidates: Denise Bedio, John "Green" Ferguson, Dr. Lynn S. Kahn,...
How Ballot Access Requirements for President Compare State to State
How Ballot Access Requirements for President Compare State to State
In recent news, Ohio state officials told Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley that he could not be on the Democratic primary ballot. The petition to be on the ballot required 1,000 ...
Superdelegates: How Democratic Leaders Maintain Control of the Candidate Selection Process
Superdelegates: How Democratic Leaders Maintain Control of the Candidate Selection Process
Though the first caucuses and primaries are still weeks away, Hillary Clinton already has a significant lead in the race for the Democratic Party's nomination.According to a survey conducted...
After Traveling 14K Miles, Independent POTUS Candidate Learns One Crucial Truth About America
After Traveling 14K Miles, Independent POTUS Candidate Learns One Crucial Truth About America
The spirit of America is strong; the state of our union is fragile.That is my conclusion after 100 days driving 14,128 miles through 34 states as an independent candidate for President of the United S...
New Study Links Attack Ads in Judicial Elections to Harsher Sentencing
New Study Links Attack Ads in Judicial Elections to Harsher Sentencing
According to new analysis conducted by the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, re-election pressures influence judges into doling out harsher penalties in criminal cases.The study ex...
With Louisiana in Play, Candidates Even Less Likely to Care About Your Vote in 2016
With Louisiana in Play, Candidates Even Less Likely to Care About Your Vote in 2016
Historically, presidential races have come down to only a handful of toss-up states being the difference between victory and defeat -- the red/blue map has become fairly well-defined.Enter John Bel Ed...
Why The Two Parties Are Horrible At Predicting the Future
Why The Two Parties Are Horrible At Predicting the Future
A good share of politics-related content from the mainstream media (i.e., mass media outlets that convey content shaped by dominant thinking, influences, and activities) deals with predicting the futu...
3 Ways The Parties Have Diminished Your Power at the Ballot Box
3 Ways The Parties Have Diminished Your Power at the Ballot Box
It is no secret that the two major parties in the U.S have actively worked to rig the election system for their own benefit and so they can drown out any independent voices. I was reminded of this fac...
Jim Webb: The Perfect Independent Candidate?
Jim Webb: The Perfect Independent Candidate?
On October 20, shortly after the Democratic presidential debate, former U.S. Senator Jim Webb (D-Va.) decided to withdraw from the 2016 Democratic primary. If your first thought is bewilderment over w...