
Search query: oregon

As Cost of Oregon Primaries Rises, Voters Pay More for Elections They Can't Vote In
As Cost of Oregon Primaries Rises, Voters Pay More for Elections They Can't Vote In
Oregon's political atmosphere, with its wide range of official political parties, gives one an initial feeling that the election process is somewhat representative, but a closer look at the process be...
As Political Landscape Evolves, Parties Must Adapt to Survive
As Political Landscape Evolves, Parties Must Adapt to Survive
The political landscape in the United States is changing. The electorate is frustrated with the two dominant political parties as they have completely abandoned voters for their own interests. If curr...
The Executive Branch Has An Obligation to Enforce All Laws
The Executive Branch Has An Obligation to Enforce All Laws
In the past week, the Oregon attorney general stated that her office will no longer defend the state's constitutional ban on gay marriage. This has come at a time when state voters may soon revoke thi...
Do You Know the Difference between Marijuana and Hemp?
Do You Know the Difference between Marijuana and Hemp?
Video embedded from BenSwann.comWhen many people hear industrial hemp, the first thing that may come to mind in marijuana. After all, there is a close association between the two, but perhaps not as c...
A More Inclusive Presidential Primary Would Motivate Voters to Participate
A More Inclusive Presidential Primary Would Motivate Voters to Participate
It seems that in every cycle there is debate about which states should hold the first presidential primary elections. Some state always seems to try to jump ahead of Iowa and New Hampshire. Since 1972...
The 5 States Most Likely To Legalize Marijuana Next
The 5 States Most Likely To Legalize Marijuana Next
Alaska Far away from the mainland United States, Alaska is a conservative, red state, but with a libertarian, live-and-let-live hue and a history of openness toward marijuana.In order to get marijuana...
How Do I Vote? Everything You Need to Know by State
How Do I Vote? Everything You Need to Know by State
Table of Contents State-by-state Information How Do Primaries Work? Partisan v. Nonpartisan Closed (Partisan) Semi-Closed (Partisan) Open (Partisan) Open (Nonpartisan) Variants of Traditional Election...
Obama to Reform NSA Spying Programs
Obama to Reform NSA Spying Programs
On Friday, President Obama spoke before the Department of Justice to comment on his administration's internal review of intelligence programs used by the National Security Agency. The administra...
What Are the Different Types of Primary Elections?
What Are the Different Types of Primary Elections?
Primaries first began in the early twentieth century as a response to increasingly strong party control over elections. At the time, voters wanted a larger say in who would be chosen as their candidat...
Raising The Minimum Wage: Income Equality or Job Killer?
Raising The Minimum Wage: Income Equality or Job Killer?
Massachusetts passed the first wage law in 1912, followed soon after by thirteen more states and the District of Columbia. However, the Supreme Court ruling in Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United ...