
Search query: virginia

RNC Rules Committee Kills #NeverTrump Movement with One Vote
RNC Rules Committee Kills #NeverTrump Movement with One Vote
The #NeverTrump movement is dead. Squashed, as it were, by a new party rule.A 77-21 vote in the RNC Rules committee Thursday effectively banned “conscience voting” for delegates to the Convention, end...
Virginia Court Case Potentially Gives #NeverTrump Movement New Life
Virginia Court Case Potentially Gives #NeverTrump Movement New Life
A July 11 federal court case in Richmond, Virginia, comes in the midst of much debate over delegate rules, and has the potential to turn the tables on Trump at the GOP convention.Virginia RNC delegate...
Illinois Democratic Candidate Tries to Force Sanders-Like Independent off November Ballot
Illinois Democratic Candidate Tries to Force Sanders-Like Independent off November Ballot
An independent running in Illinois' 13th congressional district could garner substantial support in November. However, the candidate's Democratic opponent is now trying to keep him off ...
SCOTUS Upholds Citizens United Rationale in Vacating Ex-Governor's Corruption Conviction
SCOTUS Upholds Citizens United Rationale in Vacating Ex-Governor's Corruption Conviction
In late June, the Supreme Court voted unanimously to vacate the conviction of former Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell, who was found guilty by a jury in 2014 on 11 corruption-related charges. The co...
Breaking Through The Duopoly: A Brief History of Third Parties in America
Breaking Through The Duopoly: A Brief History of Third Parties in America
third par·tynoun: a person or group besides the two primarily involved in a situation, especially a dispute.Almost since the beginning of the American Republic, voters have had a third choice. A party...
Democratic Parties in 19 States Vote in Favor of Superdelegate Reform
Democratic Parties in 19 States Vote in Favor of Superdelegate Reform
To date, seventeen Democratic State Conventions, one legislative district convention, and one county convention have voted to either abolish or reform superdelegates.Following frustration voiced ...
Seeking Exposure, Third Party Candidates Begin Appearing in Presidential Polls
Seeking Exposure, Third Party Candidates Begin Appearing in Presidential Polls
A recent poll shows that presumptive nominees Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have record-high unfavorability ratings: 55 percent and 70 percent, respectively. Yet despite their unpopularity, th...
Are Third Party and Independent Candidates Really 'Spoilers'?
Are Third Party and Independent Candidates Really 'Spoilers'?
With many voters disappointed with their choices for president in the presumptive nominees of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, many are considering alternative candidates. Thus far, the greatest...
History is Not on Donald Trump's Side Heading Into November
History is Not on Donald Trump's Side Heading Into November
Too often in American history, we romanticize about a past that never happened.One of these beliefs, that the Founding Fathers were a group of inexperienced politicians, is particularly damaging in mo...
Afraid of Disunity, Party Leaders Use Fear to Discourage Support for Alternative Candidates
Afraid of Disunity, Party Leaders Use Fear to Discourage Support for Alternative Candidates
Now that the major parties have all but decided who their nominees will be – with the official nominations coming this July – leaders in both parties are eager to unify their respective base...