
Search query: michigan

Jill Stein Successfully Petitions for Vote Recount in Wisconsin; Targets Two More States
Jill Stein Successfully Petitions for Vote Recount in Wisconsin; Targets Two More States
Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein has successfully petitioned for a vote recount in Wisconsin, and is expected to push further challenges in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Stein has r...
Joe Biden: Racists Didn't Elect Donald Trump
Joe Biden: Racists Didn't Elect Donald Trump
Vice President Joe Biden in his trademark level of candor spoke late last week on why the Democratic Party lost the 2016 presidential election. While much of the focus in the mainstream media has been...
An Unexpected Path to Liberal Revival
An Unexpected Path to Liberal Revival
I saw two maps shown by John King on CNN when he was analyzing the 2012 election. They illustrated with striking clarity the political divide in this nation. Those maps pointed towards a possible path...
Independent Voters Flipped The Entire Presidential Election to Trump
Independent Voters Flipped The Entire Presidential Election to Trump
Editor's note: This article was co-authored by Breton Peace and IVN editor Shawn Griffiths.Media pundits, shellshocked by Donald Trump's victory, will likely spend days trying to dissect the pres...
Independent Congressional Candidate Alan LaPolice Could Make History in Kansas
Independent Congressional Candidate Alan LaPolice Could Make History in Kansas
Kansas is not typically a state that gets much attention during an election year. It is generally considered a solid red state; however, that began to change in 2014 when independent U.S. Senate ...
Independent, Third Party Candidates: Vote Your Conscience; Stick With Us
Independent, Third Party Candidates: Vote Your Conscience; Stick With Us
Why stick with third party and independent candidates in November, if Clinton and Trump have a combined 80% of the electorate in all major polls? In an election season that is anything but usual, one ...
Tracking the Candidates: Current Electoral College Rules Mean Most Americans Ignored
Tracking the Candidates: Current Electoral College Rules Mean Most Americans Ignored
In the weeks since the California primary, when Hillary Clinton joined Donald Trump in becoming her party’s presumptive nominee for president, FairVote has tracked both candidates’ campaign appearance...
Google Searches for Third Party Candidates Skyrocket after Trump's RNC Speech
Google Searches for Third Party Candidates Skyrocket after Trump's RNC Speech
As the 2016 Republican National Convention wrapped up Thursday, one aspect was clear: Americans are increasingly looking for alternative candidates outside of the two-party duopoly. According to Googl...
Just How Libertarian is the Johnson-Weld Ticket?
Just How Libertarian is the Johnson-Weld Ticket?
The unpopularity of the two presumptive nominees this November has left many voters looking for alternatives. Currently, the alternative candidate receiving the most support is former New Mexico Gover...
2016 Primary Results Indicate Many Independents Are Not Moderates
2016 Primary Results Indicate Many Independents Are Not Moderates
By sheer statistical coincidence, the percentage of Americans who self-identify as independents (approximately 40 percent) is nearly identical to the percentage of Americans who self-identify as moder...