
Search query: louisiana

Alternative Candidates in Majority of Gov, Senate & House Races
Alternative Candidates in Majority of Gov, Senate & House Races
One of the most enduring myths in US politics is the assertion that there are no alternatives to the candidates of the Democratic and Republican parties. Many would-be voters who are fed up with the f...
Why Do Taxpayers Pay For Private Partisan Primaries?
Why Do Taxpayers Pay For Private Partisan Primaries?
  Political parties are private institutions. In fact, political parties have often asserted the private right of private association to prevent unwanted influence on party activities. Yet, ...
Americans Elect Group Has No Independent Candidates for Online Primary
Americans Elect Group Has No Independent Candidates for Online Primary
Just after midnight Tuesday, on the heels of a deadline ratified by its delegates as part of the selection process, Americans Elect has failed to come up with a single independent presidential candida...
Ron Paul Halts Spending on Presidential Campaign
Ron Paul Halts Spending on Presidential Campaign
In an email sent to reporters Monday morning, Texas Congressman Ron Paul announced he is suspending his campaign in the remaining 11 primary states. He cited a lack of resources as the cause, explaini...
Forget The Nomination: Ron Paul's "Revolution" Is Taking Over The Republican Party
Forget The Nomination: Ron Paul's "Revolution" Is Taking Over The Republican Party
What little commentary we've seen from the media on Ron Paul's silent coup presently underway in the Republican Party has focused mostly on its implications for the 2012 Republican Primary and whether...
Ron Paul's Winning Weekend Causing GOP Headaches
Ron Paul's Winning Weekend Causing GOP Headaches
 Since the Republican Presidential nominating contest began last year, the Independent Voter Network has posted a number of stories concerning the effect Dr. Ron Paul's candidacy has had on the p...
Rocky Anderson: the Justice Party Alternative
Rocky Anderson: the Justice Party Alternative
 Given the public's deep disapproval of the Democratic and Republican parties, there are likely a great many Americans who have already come to the conclusion that this year's race for president ...
The Primary Problem
The Primary Problem
The primary season is more than half over, and with former-Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney all but assured the nomination of the Republican Party (especially now that former-Pennsylvania Senat...
Growing Skepticism Surrounds Americans Elect
Growing Skepticism Surrounds Americans Elect
 Legitimacy is integral to voters, political candidates and organizations identifying, advocating or pursuing independent solutions to the partisan deficiencies of our current political climate. ...
Affordable Care Act & Women's Health: The End of Gender Rating?
Affordable Care Act & Women's Health: The End of Gender Rating?
[Update - US Department of Health and Human Services website is now healthcare.gov]The Affordable Care Act, before the Supreme Court this week, includes partial elimination for “gender rating”, a prac...