
Search query: massachusetts

POLL: 6 in 10 Americans Want Gary Johnson in the Debates
POLL: 6 in 10 Americans Want Gary Johnson in the Debates
A new groundbreaking poll released by Quinnipiac University found that a whopping 62 percent of likely American voters believe that Libertarian presidential candidate and former two-term New Mexi...
Massachusetts' Attack on Independent Voters
Massachusetts' Attack on Independent Voters
“Those who have been bred in the school of politics fail now and always to face the facts.”  ― Henry David Thoreau, “Slavery in Massachusetts”It was disappointing to read that Massachusetts Secre...
Ballot Access Blues: Controversial Cases From the 2016 Election Cycle
Ballot Access Blues: Controversial Cases From the 2016 Election Cycle
As with past election cycles, third party and independent candidates – as well as initiatives aimed at reducing the power of the two major parties – are struggling to achieve access to ...
The Terrible Too's of an Independent Presidential Campaign
The Terrible Too's of an Independent Presidential Campaign
Evan McMullin’s first full week as a candidate for president has been both surprising and, for some of us, predictable. McMullin talks and acts like a seasoned candidate, and not like a novice travers...
Gerrymandering Robs Many Voters of a Meaningful Vote
Gerrymandering Robs Many Voters of a Meaningful Vote
© 2016 by reclaimtheamericandream.org. The article was written by Hedrick Smith, executive editor of reclaimtheamericandream.org.Gerrymandering Undermines Our DemocracyIn a prophetic column ...
#NeverTrump Republicans Find Refuge in Libertarian Party
#NeverTrump Republicans Find Refuge in Libertarian Party
Ted Cruz’s infamous “vote your conscience” speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention raised a flag for “Never Trump” Republicans to rally around nationwide. This group of disillusioned Republi...
New Johnson/Weld Ad Has One Question for America: Are #YouIn?
New Johnson/Weld Ad Has One Question for America: Are #YouIn?
Are #youin? Check out our new video -- and spread it around. #election2016 #TeamGov pic.twitter.com/9X6iNNzZW2— Gov. Gary Johnson (@GovGaryJohnson) June 30, 2016Libertarian presidential candidate Gary...
Clearing a Path For an Independent Alternative
Clearing a Path For an Independent Alternative
I have long supported Republican candidates and elected officials, not because they had "R" next to their names, but because they were people whose character and ideals generally resonated with my val...
Democratic Parties in 19 States Vote in Favor of Superdelegate Reform
Democratic Parties in 19 States Vote in Favor of Superdelegate Reform
To date, seventeen Democratic State Conventions, one legislative district convention, and one county convention have voted to either abolish or reform superdelegates.Following frustration voiced ...
Just How Libertarian is the Johnson-Weld Ticket?
Just How Libertarian is the Johnson-Weld Ticket?
The unpopularity of the two presumptive nominees this November has left many voters looking for alternatives. Currently, the alternative candidate receiving the most support is former New Mexico Gover...