
Search query: new mexico

Top-Two Primary Bills Hit State Legislatures Nationwide
Top-Two Primary Bills Hit State Legislatures Nationwide
A wave of bills aimed at reforming primary elections in four states were introduced last month. Legislators in Idaho, New Mexico, Illinois, and Virginia are looking to do away with their state’s parti...
#Hashtagivism: 5 Partisan Boycotts Throw Social Media into Turmoil
#Hashtagivism: 5 Partisan Boycotts Throw Social Media into Turmoil
In the internet age, being an activist is easier than ever.#Hashtagivism is on the rise, jumping from cause to cause and targeting companies like Starbucks and Uber, and events like the Oscars and&nbs...
Donald Trump's Billion Dollar Tweets; an Economic Analysis
Donald Trump's Billion Dollar Tweets; an Economic Analysis
At 70 years old, no one can tweet like Trump. Without Twitter, it is questionable whether he would even be president. With a single tweet, he has literally changed stock prices, influenced currency ex...
Will Trump be the End of the 'Three Amigos'?
Will Trump be the End of the 'Three Amigos'?
The relationship between the three giants of North America has never been a simple one. From wars and interventions, to visas and work agreements, it is clear that Canada, Mexico, and the United State...
Is Donald Trump the Most Powerful President Elect Ever?
Is Donald Trump the Most Powerful President Elect Ever?
Donald Trump is one of, if not the most, active president-elects in recent history. For better or worse, since November 8th Donald Trump has in many ways already assumed the office of President of the...
Media Madness: Trump’s Post-Election Promises Under Scrutiny
Media Madness: Trump’s Post-Election Promises Under Scrutiny
With Trump’s fresh policy announcements, the mainstream media continues to speculate, and create click-bait for the masses who are eager to read all about the latest decisions from the president-elect...
Let's All Agree On This: Stop Blocking Traffic for Protests!
Let's All Agree On This: Stop Blocking Traffic for Protests!
There's a lot that American voters may be divided over, but there's one issue that hopefully we can all get together on and embrace a nonpartisan, obvious, and sane position. Demonstrators who have be...
Modern Polling Died Last Night -- For Good
Modern Polling Died Last Night -- For Good
I'll be the first to admit, as a researcher myself, I'm a fan of statistical methods for explaining and predicting the phenomenon we see in the real world.But with the lousy polling in 2012, mostly sh...
Gary Johnson and Jill Stein Showed Us All What a Presidential Debate Should Look Like
Gary Johnson and Jill Stein Showed Us All What a Presidential Debate Should Look Like
This week, third party candidates Gov. Gary Johnson and Dr. Jill Stein took part in a candidate forum that aired on PBS over two nights. There were no interruptions, no personal jabs, and ca...
No Joke: 10 Major Ways Hillary Clinton Is Just Like Donald Trump
No Joke: 10 Major Ways Hillary Clinton Is Just Like Donald Trump
In a presidential election with record-setting unfavorable ratings for both major parties' nominees, no small number of people will be voting against a candidate instead of for the candidate whose nam...