
Search query: virginia

Wasserman Schultz IT Staffer Arrested Trying to Flee Country, Charged with Bank Fraud
Wasserman Schultz IT Staffer Arrested Trying to Flee Country, Charged with Bank Fraud
The congressional IT staffer working for the office of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) and over 20 other Democratic House members, was arrested Monday by the FBI while attempting to flee t...
Morning Report: July 25, 2017
Morning Report: July 25, 2017
President Donald Trump made a last-ditch plea to U.S. Senate Republicans Monday to fulfill seven years of campaign promises to repeal and replace former President Barack Obama's signature health care ...
League of Women Voters Keeps National Popular Vote Movement Alive in Colorado
League of Women Voters Keeps National Popular Vote Movement Alive in Colorado
After each presidential election in which the popular vote winner and the Electoral College winner differ, the country revisits the question, “Why do we still have the Electoral College?”Opponents of ...
Libertarian Party Scores Major Ballot Access Wins Ahead of 2018
Libertarian Party Scores Major Ballot Access Wins Ahead of 2018
There is big news for the Libertarian Party: It can add one more state where it has official party status and ballot access for the 2018 midterms.Ballot Access News reported Monday that the LP's ...
44 States Stand Up to the White House? Not Quite...
44 States Stand Up to the White House? Not Quite...
The biggest headline this week on President Donald Trump's election integrity commission is that 44 states plus DC have partly or fully rejected the commission's request for a broad array of personal ...
Meet the Local Attorney Exposing DC-Style Politics in America’s Finest City
Meet the Local Attorney Exposing DC-Style Politics in America’s Finest City
This week, T.J. is joined by Adam Gordon, local San Diegan attorney, who previously served as a Deputy District Attorney in the San Diego County District Attorney’s office.The two discuss election ref...
OPINION: Liberals Must Reflect on Failure with Humility
OPINION: Liberals Must Reflect on Failure with Humility
Liberals in America have been dealt some heavy blows in the past few decades. The impeachment of Bill Clinton, losing the 2000 election by a Supreme Court verdict, the Tea Party, partisan gerrymanderi...
Sadly, The Only Winner in Georgia's Special Election Is Hyper-Partisanship
Sadly, The Only Winner in Georgia's Special Election Is Hyper-Partisanship
There is one message that voters are getting in Georgia's 6th Congressional District (and elections across the country): Be angry.Reports ahead of Tuesday's election show a 150 percent increase in ear...
Swamp People: Ease Up On The Extreme Rhetoric
Swamp People: Ease Up On The Extreme Rhetoric
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsvVgf63Op4Video Credit: New York TimesToday’s horrific events in Washington D.C., crystalize just how sick the swamp has become.The divisive rhetoric from our media, b...
Sen. Sanders Condemns "Despicable Act" from Alleged Supporter
Sen. Sanders Condemns "Despicable Act" from Alleged Supporter
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh18lQVgmLQ"I am sickened by this despicable act. And let me be perfectly as clear as I can be; violence of any kind is unacceptable, and I condemn this action in the s...