
Search query: ohio

50 Ways the Democratic and Republican Parties Are The Same
50 Ways the Democratic and Republican Parties Are The Same
1. Both parties engage in and benefit from gerrymandering, the practice of redrawing district lines for partisan gain. In 2010, Republicans invested millions in statewide races to retake state legisla...
Why We May Be Witnessing the Last Gasp of the Two-Party System
Why We May Be Witnessing the Last Gasp of the Two-Party System
The Republican and Democratic primaries this year reminded many of an episode of Dysfunctional Family Feud and although the path to the resulting nominations ended differently, the long lasting effect...
Tracking the Candidates: Current Electoral College Rules Mean Most Americans Ignored
Tracking the Candidates: Current Electoral College Rules Mean Most Americans Ignored
In the weeks since the California primary, when Hillary Clinton joined Donald Trump in becoming her party’s presumptive nominee for president, FairVote has tracked both candidates’ campaign appearance...
Support for Trump is More Diverse Than You Think
Support for Trump is More Diverse Than You Think
Donald Trump’s fan base looks different from what you might imagine. Some characterize Trump supporters as caucasian men, likely living on a farm in rural Wyoming. However, Trump support is quite dive...
Why Tim Kaine Was The Safe, Smart VP Pick
Why Tim Kaine Was The Safe, Smart VP Pick
Tim Kaine is as vanilla middle as you can get. -- Robert Reich 7/24/2016In Robert Reich's op-ed on Sunday, he questioned whether Hillary Clinton 'got it' when it came to selecting Senator Tim Kai...
Google Searches for Third Party Candidates Skyrocket after Trump's RNC Speech
Google Searches for Third Party Candidates Skyrocket after Trump's RNC Speech
As the 2016 Republican National Convention wrapped up Thursday, one aspect was clear: Americans are increasingly looking for alternative candidates outside of the two-party duopoly. According to Googl...
Closed Primaries are Less Inclusive than Soviet Era Politics
Closed Primaries are Less Inclusive than Soviet Era Politics
I grew up in a country where most elections were fixed, voting made no difference, and the political process was a dull affair run by a party whose politics were as odious as its leaders. In that coun...
RNC Rules Committee Kills #NeverTrump Movement with One Vote
RNC Rules Committee Kills #NeverTrump Movement with One Vote
The #NeverTrump movement is dead. Squashed, as it were, by a new party rule.A 77-21 vote in the RNC Rules committee Thursday effectively banned “conscience voting” for delegates to the Convention, end...
An Imperfect System: Presidential Elections Where The Voters Didn't Decide the Outcome
An Imperfect System: Presidential Elections Where The Voters Didn't Decide the Outcome
“Americans vote for their president.”Well, yes and no. America’s presidential election system relies on the Electoral College, a group of men and women chosen by state parties to vote in their favor. ...
Polls, Petition Reveal That Millions of Americans Want Open Primaries
Polls, Petition Reveal That Millions of Americans Want Open Primaries
Electoral reform is getting much more attention in the wake of the presidential primary cycle. From open primaries to superdelegates, voter registration measures, campaign finance, and everything...