
Search query: colorado

Independents Boost Historic Primary Turnout in Colorado
Independents Boost Historic Primary Turnout in Colorado
Colorado voters went to the polls Tuesday for the 2018 midterm primary elections. It was the first major primary season independents were allowed to participate in without re-registering with one of t...
SCOTUS Renders Its Own "State of the Union" in Janus Decision
SCOTUS Renders Its Own "State of the Union" in Janus Decision
SAN DIEGO, CALIF. – The United States Supreme Court’s ruling in Janus v. AFSCME may serve as a landmark decision. While traditional media outlets and the Democratic establishment are already discredit...
New TV Doc: Grassroots Rebellion Takes over American Politics
New TV Doc: Grassroots Rebellion Takes over American Politics
WASHINGTON – If like most Americans you’re angry that our democracy feels broken, that elections are being corrupted by billionaire and corporate money, and that politicians are rigging elections thro...
Half of America's Healthcare Spending Goes to Sickest 5%
Half of America's Healthcare Spending Goes to Sickest 5%
In 2016, Americans spent nearly as much on healthcare as Germans spent on everything. At $3.3 trillion dollars, America’s healthcare spending is almost as much as the entire gross domestic product (GD...
Generation "I": CO Candidate Says Millennials Will Dismantle Two-Party Duopoly
Generation "I": CO Candidate Says Millennials Will Dismantle Two-Party Duopoly
Peter Smith is an independent candidate running in Colorado State Senate District 32. He is the youngest candidate running for state office and would be the youngest member of the state legislature if...
CO Letter to the Editor: Register as an Independent Voter Today
CO Letter to the Editor: Register as an Independent Voter Today
Writes an independent voter in New Castle, Colorado Monday:"If you are a registered Democrat or Republican voter and are fed up with the two major parties, you should register to be an Independent/una...
Mark Cuban: Both Parties ARE the Swamp
Mark Cuban: Both Parties ARE the Swamp
There has long been speculation that US businessman Mark Cuban might run for president as an independent or third party candidate in 2020.While there is a giant question mark over a potential presiden...
Could One Independent Become the Most Influential Politician in Colorado?
Could One Independent Become the Most Influential Politician in Colorado?
A group of independent candidates are running to be the first unaffiliated lawmakers elected to the legislature in Colorado history. The slate of independents was brought together by Unite Colorado, w...
The Independent Revolution: Is Something Big Brewing In Colorado?
The Independent Revolution: Is Something Big Brewing In Colorado?
There is something happening in Colorado -- something big.It's been a historic year already for independent candidates, and there is arguably no state in the nation where the independent revolution is...
Ohio: The Next State to End Gerrymandering?
Ohio: The Next State to End Gerrymandering?
Update 5/9/18: Issue 1 -- Ohio redistricting reform -- passed with three-fourths voter support, 74.9% voting "Yes."Update 5/8/18, 8:57 PM ET: Election results in Ohio point to overwhelming victory for...