
Search query: south carolina

OPINION: Political Correctness is a Euphemism For Self-Imposed Censorship
OPINION: Political Correctness is a Euphemism For Self-Imposed Censorship
If an individual chooses, of his own volition, to refrain from the use of certain words, phrases, or characterizations that have in the past been part of his or her political discourse, on whom should...
Independent Voter Project Appreciates President's Support of Civility and Voter Rights in Final SOTU
Independent Voter Project Appreciates President's Support of Civility and Voter Rights in Final SOTU
This week, President Obama delivered his seventh and last State of the Union address. Regardless of where one stands on his policies/politics, he gives one hell of a speech.Post-game analysis was fair...
Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina Booted from Fox’s Main GOP Debate
Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina Booted from Fox’s Main GOP Debate
Fox News released its lineup for Thursday’s GOP debate on Monday night, announcing that the stage will hold seven candidates, cutting Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiori...
After Traveling 14K Miles, Independent POTUS Candidate Learns One Crucial Truth About America
After Traveling 14K Miles, Independent POTUS Candidate Learns One Crucial Truth About America
The spirit of America is strong; the state of our union is fragile.That is my conclusion after 100 days driving 14,128 miles through 34 states as an independent candidate for President of the United S...
5 Common Sense Solutions to Fixing Our Broken Primary System
5 Common Sense Solutions to Fixing Our Broken Primary System
The primary system suppresses the democratic process and it’s important that we take a look at fixing this. Despite what we get from the media coverage, we must remember that the primary election...
Team Bush Has Spent $20 Million on TV Ads So Far
Team Bush Has Spent $20 Million on TV Ads So Far
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) and supporters have now spent roughly $20 million toward assaulting the airwaves thus far in the 2016 presidential race -- more than twice as much as any other candida...
Does Latest Defense Bill Mean Guantanamo Will Stay Open Indefinitely?
Does Latest Defense Bill Mean Guantanamo Will Stay Open Indefinitely?
One of Obama’s most prominent campaign pledges included a promise to close Guantanamo Bay. The prison camp has housed hundreds of prisoners in the war on terror since 2002, acting as a location to bot...
5 Presidential Candidates Who Embellished the Truth About Their Past
5 Presidential Candidates Who Embellished the Truth About Their Past
The questions Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson is currently facing about a supposed full scholarship to West Point is a reminder that politicians have historically embellished or outright ...
7 Ways Ranked Choice Voting Can Empower Your Voice in Elections
7 Ways Ranked Choice Voting Can Empower Your Voice in Elections
Election Day 2015 has come and gone, and voters in cities in six states again found that they were not limited to marking only one candidate, but had the ability to rank the candidates in order of cho...
As In Sports, Home Field Advantage Goes A Long Way in Presidential Politics
As In Sports, Home Field Advantage Goes A Long Way in Presidential Politics
As is usually the case in the months leading up to presidential primaries, national focus has centered around polling in early primary states to determine which candidates are soaring and which are ta...