
Search query: new jersey

National Popular Vote Compact Makes Huge Inroads in Another State
National Popular Vote Compact Makes Huge Inroads in Another State
Ballot Access News reported Wednesday that the Oregon State House passed a bill that would add Oregon to the National Popular Vote Compact (NPVC). The plan is simple: Each state that joins the NP...
SCOTUS Rejects Major Party Challenges to Open Primaries
SCOTUS Rejects Major Party Challenges to Open Primaries
The AP reported Monday that the Supreme Court has rejected two cases challenging open primaries in Montana and Hawaii. The justices did not comment on their decision to leave the Ninth Circuit's rulin...
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Last week, Congress avoided a government shutdown by agreeing to a continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded for another week.Then over the weekend, US lawmakers agreed to a deal tha...
Taxing: Reforming the Code Won't be Easy
Taxing: Reforming the Code Won't be Easy
Deep tax cuts and major changes to the individual tax system have been proposed by President Donald Trump and his team. President Trump’s economic advisors laid out the plan in an effort to strengthen...
Joe Piscopo, Considering Independent Run for N.J. Governor, Calls Russia Collusion Story "Comical"
Joe Piscopo, Considering Independent Run for N.J. Governor, Calls Russia Collusion Story "Comical"
The people at Mediaite interviewed comedian and talk show host Joe Piscopo about all the news coverage on Russia and Russia's alleged ties to the Trump administration. Piscopo, who is reportedly ...
12 States Where Both Parties Are Suppressing the Right to Vote
12 States Where Both Parties Are Suppressing the Right to Vote
At no time in history has the issue of “open v. closed primaries” been so prominent in the national discussion as it is today. This is, in large part, because Bernie Sanders made it a plank of his pre...
New Jersey Elections Are the Lifeblood of State's Political Corruption
New Jersey Elections Are the Lifeblood of State's Political Corruption
New Jersey is a corrupt state. You could write a book about it. In fact, this reporter did. This reporter did as well.If you grew up here, like me, then government corruption is just part of the lands...
Resistance Grows to End Partisan Corruption in New Jersey Elections
Resistance Grows to End Partisan Corruption in New Jersey Elections
There is a new movement underway in New Jersey to elect independent-minded candidates to the state legislature that will support election reform to end partisan corruption in public elections."Th...
Why a Bernie Democrat is Running for N.J. Governor as a Republican
Why a Bernie Democrat is Running for N.J. Governor as a Republican
Democracies are not the normal order of human civilizations. Throughout history, and even today, people are far more likely to live under monarchies, dictatorships, and authoritarian regimes than they...
Keep the Fight Alive: Independents Can Beat the Parties
Keep the Fight Alive: Independents Can Beat the Parties
The 2016 election cycle was an exceptionally rough one for voters and candidates alike. The divisive rhetoric and lack of support for the major-party candidates revealed a failure in our system to eng...