
Search query: minnesota

Bloomington Activists Fight Effort to Repeal New Ranked Choice Voting System
Bloomington Activists Fight Effort to Repeal New Ranked Choice Voting System
Bloomington is 1 of 5 cities in Minnesota that uses ranked choice voting for its city elections. However, this could change if opponents to reform have their way in November.
Not Sure About Ranked Choice Voting? League of Women Voters Explains Its Appeal
Not Sure About Ranked Choice Voting? League of Women Voters Explains Its Appeal
The voting reform with the most momentum behind it right now is ranked choice voting (RCV) -- which is increasingly being used in jurisdictions across the US.
Georgia Election Board Is Taking Election Certification in the Wrong Direction
Georgia Election Board Is Taking Election Certification in the Wrong Direction
For a democracy to function, one simple, central fact must be clear to all: who won. There is no disagreement about the winner of the Super Bowl or the Olympic gold medal in the shot put, and the same should be true for election results. But in polarized America, we’ve lost that clarity and public consensus.
Believe It or Not, There Are Still Several States That Haven't Held Their Primaries Yet
Believe It or Not, There Are Still Several States That Haven't Held Their Primaries Yet
These elections are important as they will, in many cases, decide the ultimate winner of the elections held because of state and district demographics and how electoral districts have been drawn to favor the majority party.
What Is RFK Jr's #AmericaStrong Platform?
What Is RFK Jr's #AmericaStrong Platform?
With less than 100 days until the November elections, the Republican and Democratic Parties have ramped up their attacks against the other side in hopes of gaining some political advantage – but the tactics in the 2024 cycle have been unorthodox to say the least. 
RFK Jr Defeats DNC Challenge in North Carolina to Appear on Ballot
RFK Jr Defeats DNC Challenge in North Carolina to Appear on Ballot
The North Carolina Board of Elections reversed an initial decision not to give independent candidate Robert F Kennedy's 'We the People' party ballot access in November.
Kennedy's Campaign Says It Has Gathered Signatures Needed for 27 States
Kennedy's Campaign Says It Has Gathered Signatures Needed for 27 States
The last couple of weeks have been eventful for independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr, who may not have been invited to the CNN presidential debate but continues to rack up ballot access victories across the US.
March 5 is Super Tuesday... And No One Cares
March 5 is Super Tuesday... And No One Cares
The election day colloquially referred to as Super Tuesday used to mean something. It's an election date traditionally held in early March and is known for hosting the most presidential preference ele...
The Skeevy Tactics Both Parties Have Used to Take Voters' Money
The Skeevy Tactics Both Parties Have Used to Take Voters' Money
If the 2024 presidential election follows recent trends, it will be the most expensive campaign finance cycle in modern US history with figures that will likely ascend into the billions of dollars. And this has many voters concerned about the state of money in politics.
Defending Democracy? Democratic Candidate Dean Phillips Calls Out DNC Hypocrisy
Defending Democracy? Democratic Candidate Dean Phillips Calls Out DNC Hypocrisy
Democratic US Presidential candidate and US Representative Dean Phillips (Minnesota) condemned the systemic threats to US elections at every level of the process in a recent conversation with Open Primaries President John Opdycke.