Poll: More Than Anything Else, Americans Want Election Reform

A new poll from The McCourtney Institute for Democracy shows that what Americans want most right now is legislative and systemic reform to a political system that continues to fail them.
The institute’s latest Mood of the Nation poll found that 28% of respondents said the biggest issue on their legislative wish list is political and electoral reform, including proportional representation and term limits.
““I think it says a lot that term limits and similar reforms are the first things that come to mind for so many people,” said poll director Eric Plutzer, Ph.D.
“Many Americans are prioritizing fixing the system over any particular policy that might contribute to security, freedom, equality or prosperity. That’s a symptom of deep frustration with government and how it has been functioning—or not—lately.”
It’s a blistering indictment of the current system and a promising sign to nonpartisan election reformers that momentum will continue in their favor.
The poll results show that of the people who said political and election reform, overhauling the political system was the most commonly desired change, followed by terms limits and election finance.
Political and election reform was one of 8 issues listed in the results. Respondents could have also offered an “Other” or said they didn’t know. Read more about the poll results here.