
No, Trump Was Not Disqualified from 2016 Presidential Race

Author: Dylan Eller
Created: 08 December, 2015
Updated: 18 October, 2022
1 min read

On Tuesday, December 8, a widely reported misconception hit the internet. Headlines with variations of “Trump Disqualified for Presidential Run,” claimed that Trump’s recent proposal to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country officially violated the Constitution and that he would therefore be unable to run for executive office. This is simply untrue, but the confusion is understandable.

“The first thing a president does when he or she takes the oath of office is to swear an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States,” said White House press secretary in a media briefing. “And the fact is, what Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president.”

Snopes, the Internet’s most reliable rumor debunking site, explains that Earnest’s comment is not an official disqualification of Trump’s campaign, but closer to an expression of disapproval of Trump’s beliefs.

As more Syrian refugees seek safer living conditions in other countries, the U.S. will continue facing decisions regarding accepting and settling refugees, but will likely continue the practice of not discriminating by religious beliefs.

The United States remains the top financial contributor to UN peacekeeping efforts, which help countries suffering from war or disease.

Photo Credit: Albert H. Teich / Shutterstock.com

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