Beyond the Echo Chamber: Your Number One Roundup of Nonpartisan Election News
The latest headlines on nonpartisan voting rights from California and across the nation. Enjoy.
Lawmakers, Election Experts Talk Voting Rights At CA Nonpartisan Primary Summit / Elections summit takes stock of California’s nonpartisan, top-two primary reform
Sources: IVN and CA Fwd
My Take: Straight forward, these two pretty much tell the story of the Summit, held in Sacramento and co-sponsored by the Independent Voter Project and California Forward.
Letter from Nationwide Legislators: We support open, nonpartisan primaries
Source: John Opdycke, Open Primaries
My Take: An interesting piece where great support was shown for the top-two concept from about the last place you’d expect, a national meeting of state legislators--usually the ones, along with the two political parties, most concerned about the hit to the status quo that top-two brings.
Battle For Voting Rights Hits Gerrymandering / Don’t Believe the Scare Tactics Against Independent Map Amendment
Sources: News Gazette and Reboot Illinois
My Take: Fascinating, must reads. The Independent Map people appear to be the basic, “we need to change this to stop gerrymandering,” while People’s Map has begun an aggressive campaign, including accusing Independent Map of going after gains by minorities relative to voting rights--essentially playing the race card. Looking at past Illinois political battles, this will be prime,
Independent Parties are gaining momentum in Pennsylvania
Source: Nicole Contosta, Philadelphia Free Press
My Take: This piece of legislation, which will be an uphill effort to get passed, is more for the rights of those seeking to get on the ballot. However, there is a good deal here of Pennsylvanians touting California’s top-two and why they believe Pennsylvania should follow suit.
Maine Green Party Opens Some Primaries To All Independent Voters
Source: AJ Higgins, MPBN News
My Take: A pretty simple and straightforward announcement declaring they wish to reach out to independent voters and allow them to take part in the Green Party without having to join. It is a decision that will also likely raise the party’s visibility.
Independent voters grow despite competitive primary contests / Op-Ed: Open the primaries
Sources: John Fritz and U.S. Rep. John Delaney for the Baltimore Sun
My Take: Another example of what we see taking place all across the country, looking to give the independent voter a say in their future. Both items discuss the bill by Rep. John Delaney (D-MD) which would call for top two non partisan primaries in all Congressional elections.
California General Elections Are More Competitive Than Ever
Source: Zach Weissmueller, Reason
My Take: This is a must watch. If I had a magic wand and wanted to explain how it all works and the results experienced so far, this would be it.