
Donna Frye Wins Additional River Park Commitments, Endorses SDSU West Measure G

Author: Jeff Powers
Created: 26 October, 2018
Updated: 21 November, 2022
4 min read

"Measure G is the only measure that will provide real public benefits for generations to come." - Donna Frye

San Diego, CALIF.- For a large number of voters, the opportunity to reimagine and remake the river park in Mission Valley is the most critical, important piece of the initiative puzzle.

The fact that environmental and community leader Donna Frye is now supporting the SDSU West plan, will likely mean a lot for those who view the river restoration as a priority.

Since 2001, when she was first elected to the San Diego City Council, Frye has been a champion for environmental protections. In addition to her former role as the Councilwoman representing Mission Valley, Frye was the official sponsor of Measure D in 2016 which included many of the same provisions cited in the agreement with SDSU.

Frye joined the IVN Podcast to discuss why she supports SDSU West Measure G:

"It's important that we read carefully what is being proposed, and after careful consideration I'm endorsing Measure G. With the SDSU West commitments we're looking at 120 acres (minimum 80 acres on SDSU West site, and 42 acres on city owned property south of the river) for the public and the environment. Which has been my long term goal to get as much public space and river restoration as possible. With Measure G this will become a reality. Measure G is the best use of the former Qualcomm site, and the only measure that will provide any real public benefits."

Frye On Open Park Space Completed Before Campus Development:

"This is a big deal. What we have seen in the past with a lot of development particularly in Mission Valley is generally what happens, the public is told you are going to get a park, you're gonna get this, you're gonna get that, and then what happens is they get all the development and no park space. So to have this phased with the park and public amenities coming before the campus development is huge, that is an amazing thing to happen, and it's something that when I was on the city council I tried to get that proper phasing. Ask anybody that deals in land use, the public benefit phasing first is a big, big deal."

And Thoughts On Soccer City Measure E:

"I hope people will understand and realize cause I've done the research, I've read both ballot measures in detail, the Soccer City measure has no public benefit as far as I can see, and I believe that it will actually hurt San Diego. I trust SDSU, I do not trust the Soccer City people."

Frye's Statement:

After careful consideration, I am endorsing Measure G as the best use of the former Qualcomm Stadium site. SDSU has committed to me (1) to providing at least 80 acres of open park space adjacent to the San Diego River, in addition to approximately 40 acres set aside for restoration and enhancement of the River itself; and (2) to ensuring that roughly 42 acres of open park space will be completed before any campus development other than the stadium.

With these commitments of at least 120 acres for the public and the environment, my long-term goal of working collaboratively to provide the public with more park space in Mission Valley will finally become a reality. Measure G is the only measure that will provide real public benefits for generations to come.

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SDSU West has compiled a long list of community endorsements. From the Sierra and Lincoln Clubs, to the Chamber of Commerce, San Diego City Firefighters and Police Officers Association, adding Frye to that group secures what political experts have called an unprecedented bipartisan coalition.

Soccer City Effort

Supported by FS Investors who have committed to invest profits from the development rights in an MLS franchise, Soccer City is the alternative Mission Valley measure.

Soccer City's Measure E supporters include Councilman Scott Sherman and Mayor Kevin Faulconer. Supporters argue E will rely solely on private capital, develop the property faster and generate a higher return to city taxpayers than SDSU West.

They have also insisted Soccer City can help the university meet its needs as part of their private development. The University recently issued a letter requesting that Measure E proponents discontinue making these claims in political advertising.

San Diego County Registrar Micheal Vu Reports Early Voting Numbers

Donna Frye was a member of the San Diego City Council, representing District 6 and a two-time candidate for mayor of San Diego.

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