Voters Not Politicians: Citizens-Led Campaign Scores Victory in Anti-Gerrymandering Fight

In the latest episode of "In Full Color," I talk with Katie Fahey, the founder and executive director of Voters Not Politicians. Voters Not Politicians -- which started from a single Facebook post -- is a citizens-led, grassroots campaign to get a citizens' redistricting commission passed in Michigan.
With the support of 425.000 voters, the Voters Not Politicians measure qualified for the November ballot.
Partisan interest turned to the courts to try to kill the measure and protect the status quo, but were dealt a major legal defeat in the Michigan Supreme Court.
Katie and I discuss the Michigan Supreme Court's decision, the Voters Not Politicians ballot measure, and the misinformation campaign being conducted by the opposition. Katie also offers some advice for those who wish to start their own citizens-led campaign to challenge the two-party duopoly.
Let us know what you think of the ballot measure in the comment section. And if you have any feedback, we want to hear from you.
Thanks for listening! And as always... stay independent!