
Bolting! Chargers Unofficial Mascot Boltman Retires, Auctions Costume

Author: Jeff Powers
Created: 12 July, 2018
Updated: 21 November, 2022
2 min read

Chargers super fan Dan Jauregui, who has played the role of unofficial mascot Boltman for more than 22 years, has announced his retirement and intent to auction off the character with half the proceeds benefiting charity.

You can bid on his costume on ebay, the auction link is below:


Jauregui has listed the costume, created by a well-known Hollywood prop maker, and full intellectual property rights to the Boltman character.

Half of the proceeds will benefit Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego, which has a special place in Jauregui’s heart after his daughter had surgery there a number of years ago.

In a news release Jauregui said, “It has been a great ride and experience for me as I played the role of the mascot character Boltman for over 22 years, but the time has now come for me to pass the baton to a true Chargers fan in Los Angeles or San Diego or perhaps even to the Los Angeles Chargers.”

Boltman was a longtime fan favorite when the team was in San Diego and was one of the most recognizable, high-spirited and energetic personalities who entertained Chargers fans during home games for more than two decades. “Dean Spanos and the Chargers have a unique opportunity to extend an olive branch to San Diego fans by bringing Boltman back to the field where he belongs. Boltman belongs alongside the historic Chargers’ Canon and the Charger Girls as the team gets back to its quest for a Super Bowl title.”

Chargers fans Facebook page poll voted in favor of retiring and selling it in hopes of a new Chargers fan that can assume the new Boltman responsibilities on game day.  “YES” Votes 56%   “No” Votes 44% see Facebook link below.


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To view the eBay action, please click link below.

eBay auction went live on July 12, 2018 @ 3:30pm Auction ends on July 22, 2018 3:30pm


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