CA Sec. of State Voter Guide: Sec. of State Candidate Statements

California’s Secretary of State Alex Padilla has released the 2018 Voter Guide. The guide contains all relevant information related to the various propositions and candidate races voters will be asked to weigh in on this June.
This article will focus on the race for Secretary of State and publish the statements that have been provided to the Secretary of State’s office.
Gail K. Lightfoot | LIBERTARIAN
I will work to end Top-Two elections and restore voters’ right to choose candidates from all parties in November.
Alex Padilla | DEMOCRATIC
I’m running to continue to serve as your Secretary of State, because this is a critical time for voting rights and I have a proven track record of getting results. In my first term, I’ve worked hard to increase voter registration rates, expand access to the ballot box, and make voting more convenient. I sponsored legislation to move our primary election earlier to give Californians more power in determining nominees for President. I’m implementing automatic voter registration and same-day registration programs as well as pre-registration for eligible 16- and 17-year olds so they are ready to cast a ballot as soon as they turn 18. Because of my work, California will soon add millions of eligible voters to its rolls. Californians have a lot to be proud of, but we still face challenges. Just last year, I refused the Trump Administration’s request to access our voter rolls and I protected Californians’ privacy. We’ve made progress, but with so much at stake, our Secretary of State needs to deliver for Californians. Over the course of my public service career, I’ve done just that. As President of the Los Angeles City Council, as State Senator, and now as your Secretary of State, I have demonstrated my commitment to fighting for Californians and getting results. I respectfully ask for your vote. Visit to learn more. E-mail:
Erik Rydberg | GREEN
Native American Bernie Delegate committed to defend democracy and protect your vote!
Do you feel that your vote doesn’t count? No one in government is paying attention to your issues? You’re not alone. Polls show large majorities want a third party, but bipartisan election laws, private money, and the corporate media prevent this and deny representation for many of us, making democracy an illusion. We used to have six candidates on our general election ballot. Now, we only have two, often from the same party. That’s horrible! Let’s get rid of Top-Two and have more choices in our general elections. Many countries use Proportional Representation to elect multiple legislators from each district, with parties and independents elected in proportion to their number of votes. Fewer votes are wasted, gerrymandering ceases to be useful, there are higher voter turnouts, and those elected are more diverse. If a party gets half the votes it gets half the seats, not all of them. If a party or independent candidate gets 10% of the votes, that party or candidate gets 10% of the seats, not none of them. That way the majority is protected and minorities get voice and representation. Let’s replace Top-Two with Proportional Representation. Let’s get money out of politics. Money has corrupted our political system. Let’s establish a clean money type of equal public funding to those candidates who raise a base amount. Make these costly voter information guide statements free again. Please vote for me to show your support for fair and open elections.
Michael Feinstein | GREEN
California is a beautiful, richly diverse blend of people, ideas and perspectives. Everyone deserves a seat at the table of our democracy. Only then can we be truly fair and inclusive. A vote for former Santa Monica mayor Michael Feinstein is a vote for a Democracy Bill of Rights, providing for: 1. Elections by Proportional Representation. Like-minded voters receive representation in proportion to their overall voting strength. Instead of our existing winner-take-all, ‘lesser-evil’ system, under proportional representation all voters can help elect candidates who truly represent their views. Multiple perspectives win representation from the same district. We gain from the wisdom of our diversity. 2. Clean Money Campaign Reform. Democracy works best when everyone is heard and represented. Unfortunately, Big Money has a corrupting, disruptive influence. To ensure all voters have information needed to make informed decisions—and to reduce the cost of running for office—use the public airwaves to inform voters about all electoral choices. To provide candidates a broad, grassroots base of support, match small contributions with public funds. Our democracy is worth it. 3. Election Integrity. All votes must be counted—and all votes must count. Promote transparency, accuracy and trustworthiness, with publicly-owned, open-source voting equipment, paper ballots, and meaningful audits. Eliminate conflicts of interest by prohibiting the Secretary of State from endorsing or opposing any candidate or ballot measure while in office. Make it easier to vote by declaring election days state holidays.
Mark P. Meuser | REPUBLICAN
Elections Matter. Recently, the Election Integrity Project of California filed a lawsuit where they alleged that California has more registered voters than eligible voters, 101% to be precise. Los Angeles County alone has 144% voter registration. Bloated voter rolls cost the taxpayers money to send unnecessary balloting materials. They also increase the opportunity for fraud. We need to remove from the rolls, those who have died, have moved, non-citizens, duplicate and fictitious registrations. Elections are critical to enable Californians to inform our government how we desire to be governed. Fair elections begin with accurate voter rolls, where only those who are eligible to vote are registered. The Secretary of State is responsible for maintaining the voter rolls. If the rolls remain bloated, special interests are able to use money and influence to elect bought and paid for politicians. Every day, I hear first-hand accounts of Californians who have watched as a non-citizen voted or learned that a dead relative voted. Mark Meuser is a native Californian who practices Constitutional and Election law. When I see an injustice, I stand up and help those in need. I have fought for the rights of the disabled and the free speech rights of college students, and I have won. Now I ask you to vote for me to clean up California’s bloated voter rolls. I will to use technology and databases to clean up our voter rolls so that unauthorized votes do not dilute our voice. Elections Matter.
Ruben Major | DEMOCRATIC
As a Paramedic by trade, I’m a first responder practiced at dealing directly with critical situations and caring for our communities. My wife and I have three school-aged children and together own an EMT/Paramedic recertification training company. I have degrees in law and military history, training in counter-terrorism, and am a FEMA certified Incident Commander. I have strong technology skills and am an election systems expert. I’m not taking corporate donations. As election administrator, I won’t campaign for other candidates. I will work for the people, not political gain. Our voting system must be robust and protected from manipulation. Vote counting must be public, transparent, and 100% auditable. California must lead the nation toward best voting practices and I will make that a reality. As a business owner, I understand California must be fair, open, and accessible to small business. Visit to learn more.