
3 Important News Stories Drowned Out by Partisan Noise

Created: 15 January, 2018
Updated: 17 October, 2022
2 min read

Read about what really matters from the news last week. We provide you the least-biased news about current events so you can go about your day informed, not brainwashed.

What to avoid:

What to focus on:

  • It’s day five for the many heroes, both volunteer and professional, searching for survivors of the California mudslides. As of last night, the death toll was up to 20, and there’s at least 4 people known to be missing. Our thoughts and prayers are with California.
  • Five days ago President Trump stated he’d sign legislation concerning DACA as long as compromises for border security and immigration were met. However, it seems the discussions broke down yesterday because President Trump tweeted, “DACA is probably dead because the Democrats don’t really want it, they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our Military.” Luckily, the word probably is in that tweet. We need a nonpartisan solution for the many Dreamers out there. Congress can blame President Trump all they want, but the ball is in their court and they need to find a way to score.


After catching up on the events of the week, check out what Independent political candidates and organizations did by visiting our Independent Action post located here.

© 2018 by Free Wheel Media. The article originally published on FreeWheelUs and has been republished by request and with permission from Free Wheel Media.

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