
Forget Nasty Tweets, Here Are 5 News Stories That Deserve Your Attention

Created: 18 December, 2017
Updated: 17 October, 2022
2 min read

Read our centrist recap for the week below. We shine a light on the spin and useless stories from the Left and Right and detail what you should focus on, before people can pull wool over your eyes.

What the partisans will focus on and you should avoid:

  • A tweet calling President Trump a “tool” and “pathetic loser” came from Anderson Cooper’s Twitter account last week. CNN at first claimed it was hacked, then stated it was actually the result of Cooper’s assistant’s phone (which had access to Cooper’s account) being stolen at a gym. The Right will obviously run this for a while, but in reality, it will have no impact on our lives or our world.

What you should focus on:


After catching up on the events of the week, check out what Independent and Centrist political candidates and organizations did by visiting our Independent Action post located here.

© 2017 by Free Wheel Media. The article originally published on FreeWheelUs and has been republished by request and with permission from Free Wheel Media.