Debate Commission Quietly Removes Corporate Sponsors from Website

According to an article written by Our American Initiative, and published on The Jack News, the web page of the Commission on Presidential Debates no longer lists the sponsors of the debates. That is, the web page doesn’t list any corporations that contributed the money for the 2016 general election debates, even though that same web page had done so in past presidential election years.
From the OAI article:
"The organization’s web page lists the names of seven sponsors or the 2012 debates, eight sponsors of the 2008 debates, 11 sponsors of the 2004 debates, and others going back to 1992.
It lists no sponsors for its 2016 debates.
Reached by phone for comment, a spokeswoman for the CPD did not provide an answer for why the organization is declining to name the sponsors. And the spokeswoman did not follow through with any further answer."
Read the full article here.
Probably the corporations that sponsor the Commission are now aware that the Commission is not very popular, and the corporate sponsors don’t want the public to know of their sponsorship.
Editor's note: This update originally published on Ballot Access News, and has been modified slightly for publication on IVN.