
NEW POLL: Most Say Congress Cares More About Media than Voters

Created: 24 July, 2017
Updated: 17 October, 2022
1 min read

US voters say lawmakers on Capitol Hill care more about what the media is saying than what voters want. That is what a new Rasmussen poll found.

Rasmussen published the results of a new poll Monday that shows 55% of respondents "believe what the media thinks matters more to the average member of Congress than what voters think."

Possibly even more troubling than that is only 21% of respondents said they believe the average member of Congress cares what their constituents think. All one needs to do is try to call their representative to know the extent of this.

Rasmussen found these results to be a slight improvement from when they asked the same questions years ago. However, the poll shows the lingering discontent the average American voter has with the political status quo in Washington.

It also highlights just how much control the media has over the political narrative in Washington and nationwide, and how much power media elites have in DC. What the media chooses to spend the 24-hour news cycle on is going to affect what lawmakers focus on.

Check out the full survey results here

Photo Credit: Marcel Lesch / shutterstock.com