Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Guilty of Obstruction of Justice?
Debbie Wasserman Schultz was caught on tape earlier this week threatening the D.C. Capitol Police chief with "consequences" if his department did not return equipment that was part of an ongoing investigation into Pakistani staffer, Imran Awan.
“My understanding is the the Capitol Police is not able to confiscate Members’ equipment when the Member is not under investigation,” said the former DNC chair in the annual police budget hearing.
“We can’t return the equipment,” replied Police Chief Matthew R. Verderosa.
“I think you’re violating the rules when you conduct your business that way and you should expect that there will be consequences,” said Wasserman Schultz.
Police Chief Verderosa explained to the Florida congresswoman that the equipment was important to the investigation into Imran Awan, who is accused of stealing data from members of Congress and taking it offsite. Blackmail may also be involved.
The Daily Caller was the first to report the video:
"The investigation is examining members’ data leaving the network and how Awan managed to get Members to place three relatives and a friend into largely no-show positions on their payrolls, billing $4 million since 2010."
The video has largely gone unreported in the national and mainstream press, something that didn't escape Tim Canova. Canova is a former candidate for U.S. Congress and founder of the group, Progress for All.
Is Wasserman Schultz guilty of obstruction of justice? Should she recuse herself from the committee that controls the Capitol Police's budget? What do you think?
Photo Source: AP