Opinion - Lilac Hills Ranch: Housing and Jobs Creator

San Diego, CALIF.- As a state, region and community we desperately need more quality jobs and housing options for our growing population. I am proud to say, Lilac Hills Ranch, the development that’s at the heart of the Yes on B campaign, will do those two important things.
Lilac Hills Ranch will create more than a thousand jobs annually for our community. More than half of those jobs will be permanent, the other half will be high-quality construction jobs that could last as many as 10 to 15 years.
This would serve as a critical shot in the arm for our region.
Our lack of housing and quality jobs issues are inextricably linked. With approximately 2,500 member businesses -- representing an estimated 300,000 employees -- the San Diego Regional Chamber is acutely aware of the region’s challenges and what is needed to overcome these issues.
The highlights of the proposed community are hard to ignore:
• Lilac Hills Ranch will create more than a thousand single-family homes.
• 200-Room Group Care Facility
• 50-Room Country Inn
• Farmers Market
• 25 acres of Parks
• 16 miles of Trails (open to the public)
• Recycling Center for use by the general public
• Water Reclamation Plant w/ Recycled Water
As an organization, we fully support the Lilac Hills Ranch development and ask that the voters of San Diego recognize the critical issue before them and vote Yes on B.
Better Housing, Better Jobs, Better Safety, it all adds up to a Better Community which is something that's good for the San Diego region.