3 Things You Missed About the Nevada Democratic Convention

Created: 20 May, 2016
Updated: 17 Oct, 2022
3 min read

You might have missed three important puzzle pieces to the chaos that exploded at the Nevada Democratic Convention. The leading narrative has been that the Democratic Party suppressed votes, defied normal convention rules, and "violated the spirit and values of our nation," as Leslie Sexon, a representative for Sanders on the Credentials Committee, stated.

Reading reports coming from The Hill, Washington Post, or other IVN articles (here and here), it seems as though Sanders supporters were blindsided at the Saturday event, by unforeseen injustices, and rule-breaking. Videos have gone viral depicting disenfranchised Sanders supporters on one side of the room, forcefully policed, and removed by the Democratic Party. But, most accounts are missing three important pieces to the puzzle: the Kramar email, the pre-convention lawsuit, and the Paris Hotel.

1. The Second Tier Kramar E-mail

A mysterious email was sent out to Clark County delegates at the second tier of the Nevada caucus (Nevada has three: the popular vote, the county delegate vote, and the state convention). The email said that delegates were not required to show up at the county caucus to vote.

According to Jon Ralston, of Ralston Reports, the email was "sent by Christine Kramar, at the behest of convention Chair Greg Esposito."

About 600 Clinton delegates didn't show at the second tier, resulting in Sanders' votes outnumbering Clinton's, in conflict with the first tier popular vote.

Kramar was accused of being partisan, and removed from the committee.

The Kramar email influenced the Rules Committee to draft changes to throw out the second tier votes. The change was brought to vote at the start of the Nevada convention, seconded by a Sanders delegate, and adopted.

Sanders' delegates were, in part, incensed that the vote started before 10am, when in fact it started 40 minutes late, around 9:40. Business was scheduled to start at 9am. Delegates could register to enter the convention until 10am.

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2. The Pre-Convention Lawsuit

Sanders delegates went into the Nevada Convention knowing that their delegates would not be registered -- because they did not register by the May 1 deadline.

Would-be Sanders delegates sued the DNC, before the Nevada Convention. The suit asked for an injunction, to hopefully gain the credentials to be delegates. The case was thrown out two days before the convention. The court would not interfere in the party conflict, but stated that it was not the fault of the DNC that Sanders supporters did not register on time.

According to Politifact, only 8 of the rejected delegates showed up to try to register.

3. The Nevada Convention Was Kicked Out by the Paris Hotel

Sanders supporters were reported to have rushed the stage, and used disruptive tactics from the first vote about rules changes. The hotel provided extra security. Some Clinton delegates felt unsafe enough to request security to escort them to the bathroom.

As the convention continued to be unruly, and ran over 4 hours past the DNC's allotted time, the Paris Hotel told the DNC that they had to leave, in part because they would not be able to continue to provide enough security. It was at this time that the chair closed the convention. Sanders supporters refused to leave, and hotel security came in to remove them.

Sanders supporters claim that motions were left on the table, including a request to recount delegate votes for presidential candidate.


PolitiFact Nevada rated accusations of fraud and misconduct against the Nevada Democrats false.

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Nevada Party Files Complaint Against Sanders

Nevada Democrats filed a letter of complaint to the DNC, detailing what they believe is intentional disruption that will continue on into the National Convention.

Marches against the DNC have been planned for months. There are already 4 approved marches in Philadelphia from July 24-28, during the Democratic National Convention.

160516 Letter DNC RBC NVDemsConvention by Jon Ralston:


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